Page 36 - 2018 June Voices
P. 36


      The TV Interview

      Phyllis Harmon, DTM

          I think one of the most interesting formats  our guests tell us that they loved
       for a television show is the interview program.  the easy flow of the conversation
       The guest and show host work together, like a  and that the time flew by.

       team from Dancing with the Stars, to entertain            TV Toastmasters records interview shows in
       the TV audience. Whether the interview touches  the four community TV studios in the Portland
       on life’s journey, new ideas and products, or  metro area. The guests are recruited by our
       community issues, a good interview involves  associate producers from the Toastmasters and

       two or three people conversing together as if  National Speakers Association communities.
       they had known each other forever.                    They too are put at ease, prepped for what to
          But great shows don’t just happen. They are  expect, mic’d and interviewed for 11-1/2 minutes.
       planned and executed with much forethought. It            In both scenarios, the host’s responsibility

       begins, for me, with deciding who to interview.  is to put their guests at ease and prep them for
       On Culturama (the program I co-host in Salem),  the upcoming recording session. Doing so is
       I look for people who have interesting stories  extremely important. Nervous guests can ruin an
       to tell—artists, authors, leaders, and gardeners  otherwise great show. The vibe will be off which

       are among the guests who have appeared on the  translates into flat, uninteresting segments.
       program over the past 5 years.                            If you are the guest, you too have an integral
          Making the guests feel at ease is a prime  part to play in the production of a memorable
       responsibility of the show’s host. Our guests know  TV program. Be ready to engage in a lively

       what to expect and are provided with one of our  conversation with the host. A confident demeanor
       earlier shows to watch. At the studio, once we are  creates interesting visuals for the TV audience.
       mic’d and ready to go, we talk about the show  Your answers, spoken in a normal voice using
       format again and engage in small talk until the  vocal variety, should be complete but short. This

       production team is ready to record.                   allows for more interaction between you and the
          Because we’ve prepped, laughed with, and  host and a greater variety of responses.
       asked our guests some questions before the                Like the team from Dancing with the Stars,
       show starts, we simply continue the conversaton  creating television programs for the viewing

       once the cameras begin to roll. We greet our TV  public requires everyone to be on their game
       audience and introduce our guests. One question  and play their part well. It’s fun, challenging,
       leads to another as the clock ticks down from  and makes us all strive to do our best. And, that’s
       28:30 to 00:00. At the end of our time together,  entertainment n the growth zone!

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