Page 28 - Voices Oct2014 .pub
P. 28
Speaking to Large Groups of People “Your Thing!”
Knowing the How’s & Why’s of the “Mic”

By Patrick Locke, ACG, ALB

For those Toastmasters with the yearning desire affects the use of the microphone. How your
to speak before crowds of people the speaking style is affected by the microphone.
microphone must become your friend and a How to determine what type of microphone is
valuable tool. Even the small business owner and best for you. We will also focus on “Your speaking
the volunteer may find themselves presenting in voice” which is one of the most important factors
front of fifty to one hundred people for one in the equation.
reason or another. The more you learn how to use When incorporated with proper training and
a microphone to its best
potential the more relaxed practice the microphone
and confident you will be along with a proper sound
in front of larger reinforcement system will
audiences. enhance the speakers ability
Over the next few issues of to communicate and connect
Voices! we will be with their audience. Likewise,
discussing the important if just haphazardly employed
factors a speaker must it will be the speakers biggest
consider when using a nightmare.
microphone. To make this article most effective I Awareness and preparation
am opting for an interactive format. Your are always the keys to great performances. We
comments and questions are very important will begin by creating a deeper awareness of
because it is only through your feedback that I your voice. That is to understand in a very simple
can evaluate where our members are and way how “Sound Pressure” creates your “Speaking
determine the true needs. We want to engage in Voice”.
a conversation within a learning environment. I I became aware of the affect of vocal sound
believe this will be very powerful. power many years ago when I spent many hours
There are surely many Toastmasters who use recording a variety of speaking events such as
microphones regularly, they will pick up many seminars and retreats. At many events I may be
tips from this and future articles. Then there are recording up to sixteen speakers at one time.
the Toastmasters who have never been Some were professional, however the greater
acquainted with the use of a microphone. majority were amateur level speakers with no
Typically club, area, and even most division formal speech training at all. This of course raised
contests will not utilize a sound system. Not until havoc when attempting to develop quality
the necessity arises at District level will many recordings.
Toastmasters have an opportunity to use a mic. Through this experience I developed a training
Over the next few Voices! issues we are going to system to help these speakers improve the
review the various types of microphones and quality of their presentations. I will share these
equipment. We will discuss how the environment techniques and principles with you. First, I would

(Continued on page 32)

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