Page 32 - Voices Oct2014 .pub
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vsion H—Continued from page 31)

friend who is recently disabled.
Stephen Crabb , Sage Beaverton—I think Stephen exemplifies what a good Toastmaster should be.
He's our club President, but even if he wasn't he would still attend the meetings regularly. He is
positive and encouraging to the other members. When there's a role that needs to be filled at the last
minute he jumps in and fills it. When he's assigned a role ahead of time he does it and does it well.
You can count on him to do whatever role he's assigned. He's a pleasure to be around.
Laura Dye, Sporty Speakers—As a president of Sporty Speakers; Laura Dye provides immense
support to all club members. She knows every individual's strength– and promotes them accordingly.
Like for myself, she ENCOURAGED me to participate in the humorous speech contest (even at last
minute) because she knew thats my forte. She is extremely supportive and a true leader for a brand
new club like us. Because of her encouragement, today i am proud to say that I am representing Area
91 at the division level speech contest. Thank you.
Paul Fanning, Downtown Lunchbunch—Paul is always willing to fill a role, support a fellow member
and mentor, He does it all with a pleasant manner and a smile.
Lorri Andersen, Daylighters— Lorri Anderson of Area 92 never ceases to amaze me. She’s at every
meeting with a smile on her face. She was the first person to welcome me to the club by email. Lorri
made me feel welcome on my first day by saying hello, giving me some materials to learn about the
club, and by talking me through the day’s agenda. She has been very encouraging and offers to help
when I have a presentation to give. When I was in the area contest, she was there as a judge – a
welcome face to put me at ease. She fills in on a regular basis for roles that are vacated due to
absences. She sat next to me when I did the timer role for the first time. Lori is my mentor and my role
model. I definitely feel she deserves the member of the month award.
Don Hudson, Noontime Nomads—Don is the embodiment of the Mission Statement. He acted as
Chairman of our club humorus table topics and speech contest. We saw a demonstration of what an
acomplished Toastmaster can do. In my over 40 years of TOASTMASTERING, I've seen few contests
better run. Don goes out of his way to guarantee guests or new members are welcomed. They know
they have a guide to turn to. He maintains active attendance, demonstrates self confidence and by

(is Speaking to Large Groups—Continued from page 28) building our dialogue. As you begin please feel
free to email your comments and feedback to
like to refer you to a very helpful source of Patrick Locke at . One
information. This information will give you the goal is to develop an active workshop to help
base understanding necessary to gain sufficient people develop their microphone skills. I look
awareness to consciously develop your voice. forward to helping each of you.
This is your first assignment! Login to In the search window on the Patrick Locke is the 2014-15 Area 84 Governor. He originally
top right type “199-Your Speaking Voice.pdf”. joined Toastmasters in 1985 in California. He became a
Then follow through with the order and member of District 7 in 2011. He is currently a member of
download process. This is a 22 page FREE Thrill of the Quill, Early Words Toastmasters, and Speakers
download to every member. Once you have with Spirit. He can often be found behind a camera or sound
downloaded the document read the first three board at district events.
sections up through page 6.
Studying these sections will set a base for

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