Page 34 - Voices Oct2014 .pub
P. 34
rren LaCroix—Continued from page 32) would love to teach everyone live, but

Always study business. If you're a budding unfortunately convenience is not always there.

entrepreneur, marketing, marketing, marketing, I'm creating an online university called

Marketing time, marketing time, marketing time. where people on their

That's what we need to learn. The speaking iphones, smart phones, ipads, or computers can

business is different from most businesses but consume my courses, my material. The filmng of

yet the principles are the same. I would say Humor 101 at New Horizons hopefully will come

educate yourself. Whether it's using my out by next month as well. I'm working

programs or someone vigorously on two enormous programs,

else's. Check out the one on storytelling with Craig Valentine

National Speakers and one called Train the Trainer with Ed

Association. It's a great Tate which helps trainers interact more

place to spend time and and shows people how to leave a lasting

be around other speakers change in behavior. Training has a much

in your niche. There are more results oriented outcome. Keep an

NSA chapters all over the Left to right, Ed Tate, Craig Valentine, eye out for Secrets of Storytelling and
country. Darren LaCroix, and Patricia Fripp Train the Trainer.

Whether you want to be an entrepreneur, do this I also want to create an online community, I Own

professionally, or you just want to be a presenter My Dream. I noticed that one of the biggest

to help people, the biggest challenge is the challenges for most people like myself is keeping

starting point. I see people working so hard but ourselves accountable. I really want to help

yet they have no direction. The first thing that I, people with that. If you want to get my weekly

and many of the other champs, teach is, "Answer tips, just go to Darren’s Top Ten Speaking Tips on

this question: when I'm done speaking, what do I the web. If you want to learn about the biggest

want my audience to do, think, or feel." We need mistakes that speakers make, go to

to remember that we are just part of a bigger and download the free

event. Whether you are the keynote speaker or What Not to Do Guide. After over a decade of

breakout session speaker at a convention or coaching speakers, both emerging and

conference, what do you want the audience to professional, you’ll get a list of the top ten

think about differently when you are done. So we mistakes I see speakers making.

are never done. I wish I could tell you that I A: If someone wanted to get in touch with you,

"made it", and I hope I never do. I want to keep what’s the best way to get a message to you?

growing and learning. I still attend seminars A: The best way to contact me is through my

myself every year. When Patricia Fripp, Craig website Just click on the

Valentine, or Ed Tate are on stage, I'm sitting Contact link for my telephone and fax numbers

there listening and taking and mailing address.

notes as well. Remember the resources you have I appreciate you asking for my opinions. If you

in Portland, Randy Harvey and Ryan Avery. They remember nothing else, remember Stage Time,

are great speakers. And what I love too is that Stage Time, Stage Time.

Ryan still has his student hat on and still learning Darren LaCroix is an author, inspirer, coach, and
along with everyone else. 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking. To learn
Q: You are launching some new products. more about Darren, his products, or to book him for
What can you tell us about them? A: Its a lot of your next event, please visit his website at
effort to create a program that helps people. I

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