Page 27 - Voices Oct2014 .pub
P. 27
lamette Division Rolls On

Erik Bergman, DTM, Willamette Division Governor

The mighty Willamette Division is rolling along like the river it’s named for. We are still bussing with the
big news that we have welcomed in two new Oregon City clubs: Clackamas County Toastmasters in
Area 63 and Clack-Orators Toastmasters in Area 64.
We did a strong job of training club officers this summer, and
20 of our 25 clubs ended up with four or more officers trained.
That means those 20 clubs are halfway to goal 9 in the Distin-
guished Club Program. We’re already thinking ahead about
how to make our winter training (to come in January or Febru-
ary) both fun and helpful.
October means Area Speech Contest season. With five Areas,
we decided to hold our speech contests for Areas 61 and 62 together and Areas 63, 64 and 65 together.
Could we even hold three Area contests in one night? Yes, we could and did pull off a triple header!
Contestants from Areas 61 and 62 competed on Sept. 24 at Courtyard at Tabor, home of the Courtyard

Communicators club. Humorous Speech winners: Rodrigo De Souza,
61; Russell Carpenter, 62. Table Topics winners: Karen Semprevivo, 61;
Mary Lee Turner, 62.
Areas 63, 64 and 65 competed Oct. 1 at Marylhurst University, home of
Marylhurst Toastmasters. Humorous Speech winners: Kathleen Sabella,
63; Phil Lowmaster, 64; Kevin Moss, 65. Table Topics winners: Lisa
Hutton, 63; John Waters, 64; Kevin Moss, 65.
Congratulations to all winners, who advance to the Willamette Divi-
sion Contest on Wednesday, Oct. 15, 6:30 p.m., at Emanuel Hospital’s Lorenzen Auditorium. We invite
everyone to come see the most amusing humorous speeches and unpredictable Table Topics.
A big THANK YOU to all the judges (especially head judges Ellen Ino and Jim Robison), timers, ballot
counters, sergeants at arms and any other volunteer who stepped up to make the contests fair and en-
joyable for all. We could not have done it without you. Kay Watson’s food for the Area 63‒ 64‒ 65 con-
test was exceptional!
Our Area Governors reported in with these good-news briefs from their first three months in office:
 Area 61, Rita Childs:“The clubs are stepping up. They are warm and genuine.”
 Area 62, Carrie Henderson:“Portland Progressives are rocking the DCP. The club has its act together.”
 Area 63, Kay Watson:“It’s the diversity. People from all backgrounds get along. I like the excitement
of the new Clackamas County clubs.”
 Area 64, Robyn Knox:“The Audacious Orators at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility are amazing and
 Area 65, Ann Kroetch:“All the area clubs are working hard. Despite low numbers and turnover, the
Oregon City Toastmasters club is keeping a positive attitude and striving for success.”

Best wishes to all Willamette Division members for a memorable fall — and I hope to see you at a speech
contest or club meeting soon!

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