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Speakers Bureau
Takes on New Life!

Introducing the new and improved D7 Speakers Bureau!

Over the past year, we here in District 7 Toastmasters have been working hard to create a new and improved
Speakers Bureau. We have a new website ( and a new mission - to help bring
Toastmasters to the community. Here is some more information on why you you'll want to get involved.

What is a Speaker’s Bureau?

A speaker’s bureau is a group of qualified speakers available to speak at clubs, organizations, or events.
The speakers will be Toastmasters from District 7, and initially we will be reaching out to service clubs like
Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, and others who regularly bring in speakers.

How do I become a qualified speaker?

Every speaker on the Speaker’s Bureau will be qualified through a certification process that involves
auditioning in front of a judging committee which will include other qualified speakers, fellow
Toastmasters, and community members. Every qualified speaker also agrees to actively support the
Bureau by helping to qualify future speakers, promoting the Bureau, and possibly other ways to help
make this entity a success.

Will all of District 7 be involved?

Eventually, the Speakers Bureau will be open to speakers from all of District 7’s geographic region. To get
started, we will focus first on the Portland metro region and expand as speakers, clients, and technology
support is put in place.

When is the next vetting meeting?

The next speakers bureau vetting meeting is on November 12th, Wednesday, 7pm at the Beaverton
Activities Center. You are welcome to visit!

How can I help spread the word?

We are in the process of contacting service clubs. Speakers are needed at these clubs. We’re going to
market, but we’re also going to rely on word of mouth to let the community know about this new
service. You can help us get the word out!

Is everything finalized for the Speaker’s Bureau?

No! We’re just getting started, so things will be fluid for some time. We want to learn from both our
successes and our mistakes. We want to listen to what the community needs, and deliver it. We want to
know when a speaker does well, and when they don’t do so well. This is your chance to get in on the
ground floor of something special.

How can I learn more?

Visit our website ( by going to the District 7 webpage and clicking on
Speakers Bureau.
Contact the D7 Speakers Bureau Chairperson, Eric Winger, at or 503.516.6271.

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