Page 19 - Voices Oct2014 .pub
P. 19
ee Seven Feathers Employees Division A Humorous Speech and
Table Topics Contest
Earn Recognition in September
AREA 21 Picnics in the Park
(The month of September will be one to
remember for the Feather Tongues Toastmasters Becky Holm, Area 21 Governor
Club in Canyonville. To kick off September, Donna
Newton was named Division A Member of the The Roseburg chapter of Toastmasters held a
Month. membership picnic at River Forks Park on
On September 27, Russ Cox and Dave Johansen September 14. Area members and their guests
won first place in the Area 21 Humorous Speech enjoyed an afternoon of food, fun, fellowship,
Contest and Table Topics Speech Contest, and a time of "getting to know you."
respectively, held at Seven Feathers. Area 21
consists of six clubs – three in Grants Pass, and Everyone, members and
one each in Canyonville, Roseburg, and Sutherlin, guests, enjoyed a lively
Oregon. round of table topics
Russ Cox, the Feather Tongues President, earned provided by one of our
the win with his humorous speech “Dating in the newest members, Andre
21st Century – Is This Normal?” Cox had his Larson. Susan Crook
audience laughing out loud with his description planned the event to
of electronic dating, speed dating, and eye expand the reach of Toastmasters to family and
gazing. friends.
Johansen, who serves as VP of Education for "This event gave those in our circle of influence
Feather Tongues, took first place with his succinct a chance to experience Toastmasters in a non-
and persuasive response to the question, “Should threatening environment. If we can build on
Oregon impose a sales tax?” what we did this year, the annual picnic will
Cox and Johansen will compete in the Division A serve as a possible door opener for new
Contest October 18, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the members,” she said.
Huckleberry Room at Seven Feathers Casino Next year's picnic is tentatively planned for
Resort in Canyonville. The competition is open to Sunday, September 13, also at River Forks Park,
the public. Admission is free. and all Area 21 members and their guests are
Newton was recognized for her commitment to welcome. "We hope to expand our effort to
Toastmasters over the years, for being a key include a topic's treasure hunt, games and a
member of the Feather Tongues Club, and for the raffle. Early planning is the key to having a
way she encourages other members with her successful event and we look forward to
humility and sense of humor. Her selection as obtaining feed-back from other area members."
Division A Member of the Month was
documented in the September edition of the
District 7 newsletter Voices! Division A is made up
of clubs from the southern Oregon coast to Eagle
Point and from Oakland to Ashland.
District 7 Lt Governor of Education/Training
Michelle Alba-Lim Dagel calls September a
watershed month for Feather Tongues
Toastmasters. “With this triple win (in addition to
earning the Distinguished Club Award in July),
the club has moved up to the next level of
communication and leadership. It has clearly
demonstrated that it can hold its own with clubs
that have been around for decades.”

Submitted by Noah Salinas, Reprint from Douglas County News

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