Page 14 - Voices Oct2014 .pub
P. 14
trict 7 Toastmasters Celebrates Its Own!

On September 15, 2014, District 7 named the recipients of the 2013-14 Service awards. The event honored
those people who gave distinguished service to our district in the previous year. Thank you to those who
gave of themselves unselfishly to assist others in their success. Congratulations for being recognized by
your colleagues as servant leaders. A recap follows with the category and description of the awards.

Bob La Du, DTM Sandra Bell, DTM Anne Mahalek,
Area Governor Division Governor ACG, ALB

of the Year of the Year Rookie of the Year

Ryan Avery, DTM

2013-14 Spirit Award Recipients

Eric Winger, ACS, ALB Jerry Kleffner, Allan Edinger John Contreras
Herb C, Stude Award ACB, ALB Dick Moser Karen O'Keefe

Lou Webb Award Dick Parsons Lisa Hutton
Ellen Ino Rosanna Mattingly

Toastmaster of the Year: The recipient serves the Jacqueline Bakke Sharon Kuroda

best interests of the members of District 7 above James Wantz Syrena Glade

and beyond the requirements of their position. This Jane Whaley

person has quantifiable results as a leader, is an

inspiration to other in Toastmasters, and has accomplishments outside Toastmasters. Division

Governor of the Year: The recipient works well with the Area Governors within the Division and

with the District Officers. This person has successful speech contests. This Division Governor should

District 7 is recruiting for the Awards Selection be a positive, motivational force in the District.
Committee. The committee will help codify the Area Governor of the Year: The recipient is a positive,
criteria for the Herb C. Stude and Rookie of the motivating force in the Area and the District. They hold
Year awards. Additionally, they will review the successful Area contests and quantifiable results in the
Governors of the Year criteria established by Area in membership, educational accomplishments, dues

Toastmasters International. The committee will paid, and Area visits to clubs.
be instrumental in selecting the Governors of Rookie of the Year: The recipient demonstrates
the Year, Herb C. Stude, and Rookie of the Year exceptional activity on behalf of the District during their
recipients. The Spirit Award recognitions and first year of activity at the District level. The award is
personal thank yous will continue to be chosen given to someone who could be an Area Governor,
by the Trio. If you are interested in being part of

the Awards Selection Committee, contact committee chairperson, or someone who steps forward
Phyllis Harmon, District Governor, at to help the District be successful. This person is someone whose enthusiasm and energy is contagious.

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