Page 15 - Voices Oct2014 .pub
P. 15
versation with Ryan Avery—
District 7’s Toastmaster of the Year

Q: How did you feel when you were
awarded Toastmaster of the Year?

A: I was going to spend my Saturday preparing for the four
keynotes I had the following week so I wasn’t planning on
being able to make it. Scott Alexander, past District
Governor, “tricked” me into coming because he said District
7 really needed an inspirational message during the awards
and recognition. He also got Chelsea on board to persuade
me (and you have to listen to your wife for sure).

I was overcome with emotion when I realized that I was actually getting Toastmaster of the Year. What
was amazing was to see so many amazing faces there that have supported me throughout my entire
Toastmaster journey. I am so proud to be from District 7!

Q: How did District 7 support you throughout your journey?

A: District 7 members have always been there for me. Whether it was donating money to get Chelsea
and I to the World Championship or to hearing the same speech 10 times and still providing
feedback, it was really incredible. From Randy Harvey (2004 World Champion) mentoring me, to the
45+ clubs that invited me out to speak who gave me more than 1,000 evaluations, and my home
club’s constant encouragement, I couldn’t have done it without y’all.

I, as well as District 7 and our members, are like the Great Pyramids of Giza. From far away, they look
like massive individual structures but when you get closer, you start to realize they are made up of big
blocks. You don’t know who laid those blocks unless you were the one to have helped to put them
there. If people see that I have any type of success, it’s because I’m made up of big blocks like people
from District 7. If District 7 is going to continue to be successful, we need to continue to add blocks to
our pyramid. For those who have created a solid foundation for us in the past, thank you for all of your
hard work and let’s continue to build a solid future.

Q: How has your life changed since the World Championship win?

My life has changed completely since winning the World Championship. Just like with anything, when
opportunities are presented, you have to decide what you want to do with them. Chelsea and I have
decided to continue to use our voice to help others use theirs by starting a business together.

We get to travel the world visiting other countries and of course other Toastmasters Districts and it
always makes me proud to say I’m from District 7! When I called Randy and told him I won, he said,
“Now the real hard work begins!” and I’m looking forward to continuing my speaking journey and
seeing where the life of being public speakers takes us!

I would like to say thank you again to District 7 and encourage every single person to compete this year
because when we improve the quality and quantity of competition in our District, we improve the quality
and quantity of speakers and leaders in our District. I know there’s another World Champion in District 7,
who will it be? - Ryan Avery, DTM.

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