Page 11 - Voices Oct2014 .pub
P. 11
wcasing Success...

Toastmasters for Speaking Professionals—
Demonstrating Community and Commitment

By Jennifer Strait, Club President

You know how you start out thinking you want one thing, and then discover you got

what you actually needed? My name is Jennifer Strait and I have the privilege of being

the President of Toastmasters for Speaking Professionals. I LOVE IT! I love my club, my Executive

Officers of Awesomeness, and my transformation as a leader! Who knew? Although I’ve never been

afraid of public speaking, I knew I certainly could benefit from honing my skills in speech writing,

timing, and ‘self awareness’ i.e. , seeing those blind spots where my annoying verbal ticks, hand

gestures, and body movements hide out. As I started to look

around, I was told that TSP was the club where good speakers go to

improve, try out material, and get feedback. I already had the

confidence to speak in front of a group…but if I wanted to get out

of my comfort zone. I needed to find a group that had members

who were comparable to my skill level and committed to becoming

BETTER. Better trainers, workshop leaders, coaches, consultants,

performers, and yes, public speakers. Yes, I found them all in TSPers take advantage of a photo op outside the
Toastmasters for Speaking Professionals (or as we fondly call it, Oregon Bar Association

TSP.) I found my Toastmasters tribe.

The club was chartered in 2011, and has been meeting at noon on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every

month at the Oregon State Bar. We have some amazing people who are up to making in a difference in

their worlds! There’s an entrepreneurial spirit with our group that appeals to a wide range of

professionals. We have a story teller, stand-up comedienne (or two…), a few

business consultants, coaches, naturopaths, a voiceover talent, financial

advisor, writer, health and wellness start up, an artist and more….And one

thing they all have in common is that they are all willing to leave ‘perfect’ at

the door in order to get the feedback and insights necessary to strengthen

the messages they put out into the world.

The success and sense of community of our club is a combined effort

between officers and members. Tom Cox, our VP of Education, is

Front, L to R: Lani , Tom, Zac, absolutely committed to our members and their goals and plans each
Back, L to R: Linda, Phyllis, Jennifer, meeting accordingly. Roland Jarka, our VP of Membership is a ROCKSTAR,
Roland connecting with our guests, answering questions, and getting a feel for

what they’re hoping Toastmasters will provide. Linda Bard is VP of Publicity and Social Media and

she’s always finding inspiring quotes, articles, and events to share with our Facebook members.

Sharing the successes of our members at the end of each meeting is important and Linda makes sure

everyone feels acknowledged. Phyllis Harmon is our Keeper of the Coin and handles the money with

integrity and transparency. Zac Beckhusen is our Club Secretary and does a great job of distilling

down our chatter to the salient points, agreements, and decisions. Our Sergeant at Arms, Lani Wiig, is

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