Page 26 - Voices
P. 26
Ann Bourne—Division G Member of the Month

Ann has held two and three positions in our club at one time-VP
of Education, Secretary and Treasurer. She has helped keep
everyone on track to complete their speeches and other duties
needed to complete the Competent Communicator and
Competent Leader booklets. She has helped organize events,
including hosting the regatta princess speeches and an upcoming
open house. She does the agenda, is responsible and contribute
in her officer positions and is supportive in all aspects of building

and maintaining competent leaders through her various extra
support. For nearly two years, Ann and her husband have provided transportation to one member
who states they are the reason she has been so successful. Ann joined Toastmasters in 2009, and has
earned her Advanced Communicator Bronze.
Other honored nominees for September were:

Chris Usinger, Speakers with Sprit, has mentored many new members and she is dedicated to
helping her mentees improve. A number of our new members have asked for Chris to be assigned as
their mentor. Her enthusiasm for any role she fills makes our club meeting more enjoyable. Chris is a
charter member of the club and is in attendance regularly. She says it is her second home. Chris
volunteers for any roles that need to be filled and especially likes to evaluate. Her evaluations are
very supportive and nurturing. Chris is a prime example of a dedicated Toastmaster. I would like to
see her honored for her dedication and the cheer she brings to our club. Thank you for the
opportunity to nominate someone for outstanding achievement as a Toastmaster.
Ryan DeRouchers, Battleground Toastmasters, is full of life and opportunity. He sees everyone as a

valuable part of our group, and makes them feel that way. His humor, mixed with professionalism, has
brought new life to our meetings as well as new members. Ryan is constantly looking for new and
proven ways to reach out to the community so that they too can gain the benefits of Toastmasters
and lift up those of us who are already there.
Congratulations to all nominees from Division D. Your leadership and example truly exemplify the club
mission of Toastmasters International and District 7. Thank you everyone!

Early Words Tells Tales—But It’s Okay—Honest!

For the past two years, Early Words Toastmasters has hosted a Tall Tales Contest as a
marketing strategy to introduce the club to the Longview community. Most

recently, they partnered with the nationally recognized debate team, The Fightin'
Smelt, at Lower Columbia College to bring the best prevaricators and storytellers
together for an event filled with laughter, networking, and food. The event is a
true contest, with preliminary and final contests. The winners earn over
$1,000 in scholarships and cash prizes donated by local sponsors. John
Anderson, Early Words member and District 7 Public Relations Officer,
stated that they started holding the contests because it seemed like
a good way to introduce Early Words Toastmasters to potential
new members. Over the past three years that the club has
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