Page 28 - Voices
P. 28
Dave “Bones” Szczechowicz—

Division H Member of the Month

I first heard an evaluation during a Feedbackers meeting, where he
offered the group some outstanding advice about giving the
audience a message they can take home with them. He referred to
the commonly used acronym WIIFM (What's In It For Me?) to
describe our expectations as an audience. This piece of advice has
been my rubric for public speaking since then.
Dave an ace at evaluations, but table topics seems to be an arena
where his evaluation skills are the most obvious. He critiques
everyone who spoke, not missing a single member or guest who
took the floor. His evaluations are tailored to the speaker, pinpoint
accurate, always positive, and genuine in their purpose to help the speaker improve. Each of these
micro-evaluations could be looked at as a sample of the productive reinforcement that to the group.

Lastly I'll say that an infectious genial attitude, and is quick to volunteer for any role that is left unfilled
during a Liberty Talkers meeting. He doesn't shy away from hot-seat speeches, or pass the buck when
he's feeling ill or tired. He tackles problems without hesitation. It's hard for me to write these points
without using the word "positivity" eight times per paragraph, because that's the attitude Dave during
every meeting.
Other honored nominees for September were:

Stephen Crabb, Sage Beaverton Toastmasters, run's a great weekly Toastmasters meeting. He has
been in Toastmasters just over a year. He is a great evaluator, and willing to step into roles at a

moment’s notice. Stephen is a great example of a Toastmaster.
Cleon Cox III, Wallmasters International, is worthy of being nominated for Member of the Month. He
works on two fronts: First, he has invited more guests and helped convert them to members than any
other Toastmaster member in our solar system; and, second, as a Wallmasters club officer, his insight
and leadership strengthens our club.
Syrena Glade, New Horizons Toastmasters, is such a positive and professional influence in all the
clubs she is a member of. Much that she does goes unnoticed and unrecognized. She is also a very
supportive and encouraging person with new members of Toastmasters.
Vince Ast, Silicon Forest Club, has consistently made everyone feel welcome and
appreciated. He has a lovely way of including everyone, and always makes sure
to spend some time talking to guests about Silicon Forest and their interest
in Toastmasters. He is both a great listener and a great storyteller, and never
hesitates to volunteer for open spots.

Congratulations to all nominees from Division H. Your leadership and
example truly exemplify the club mission of Toastmasters International and
District 7. Thank you everyone!

Division H September Contests
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