Page 25 - Voices
P. 25

Banfield Barkers Share the Secret to Their Success

submitted by Leslie Keating, DTM

Banfield Barkers Toastmasters Club, a corporate club at Banfield Pet Hospital, was founded on
September 29, 2006. Today, we have 33 members, 5 of whom are Charter members. For the
2013/2014 Toastmasters year, our club earned President’s Distinguished. With an average
corporate club lifespan of 18 months, what is the
secret to our success?

We Got Off to a Good Start
Banfield Pet Hospital
 Large potential member base with 500+
associates on site
 Growing company
 Low turnover
 Space to hold club meetings and officer
meetings on site Banfield Barkers members display Toastmasters
Club Founder, Insider
 The founded or the club was a current employee, not someone outside the company
 The founder is still in the club, fighting for the club
 The founder recruited others to keep fighting for the club
 The core people have working relationships with company management
Banfield Management Supports the Club
 Funded the charter fee and starting supplies
 Pays semi-annual International Dues for club members
 Supports associates attending meetings
 Suggests associates join the club
Our Club Supports Banfield’s Corporate Culture
 Benefit Fair – the company holds a “fair” at the start of open enrollment having
representatives from all benefit providers. The club has a table at this event to promote
our club as a means to strengthen leadership and communication skills
 PDP (Personal Development Plan) Program – the club promotes the Toastmasters

program as a way to work on President’s Distinguished Program goals
 Summer Intern Program – the club members work with interns to help prepare their end
of program oral presentation to the company
 “Make the Difference” – the company has a bi-annual recognition program for associates
that have made a difference in their work place, as a leader or in the community.
Associates are nominated and give an oral presentation to a panel of judges as they
compete locally up to the Global level. Club members work with the nominees to help

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