Page 31 - Voices
P. 31
(Banfield Barkers—Continued from page 25)
prepare their presentations.
Inside The Club
Commitment to the Toastmasters Program
 Members sign the “Toastmasters Promise” every six months before International dues are
paid by the company on their behalf
 Follow the Communication and Leadership tracks
 We mentor each other to provide support and to create accountability
 We strive for Distinguished every year following the DCP program
 Agenda and roles filled for each meeting
Keeping It Relevant
 The Banfield Barkers not only accepts but celebrates new ideas and new takes on what
Toastmasters is to our club
 Our club provides a place to interact with associates we would not otherwise encounter in
our daily work roles
 We’ve created a sense of community (some call it family) with special meetings to
celebrate the club’s anniversary, new members, and we hold a “Bark in the Park” meeting

outside in a nearby park a few times a year
 Each meeting one member is awarded the Golden Gavel – instead of voting for best
speech or best Table Topics, we award the gavel to the best of the meeting, they get to
keep the gavel for a week and then award it at the next meeting
Besides holding every Club office since joining Toastmasters in 2002, Leslie Keating has served as a District
Conference Chair, Area Governor, District Secretary, District Treasurer, District Auditor and is currently the
District Auditor and Club Treasurer. I am one of the five remaining charter members of Banfield Barkers.
Leslie and her husband, Bill, have a couple classic cars that they enjoy driving to cruise-ins. Most weekends, they
can be found at an estate sale (or two or four). She collect vintage and antique sewing buttons and houses her
collection in a vintage dental cabinet.

We Toastmasters make a great mistake when we fail to emphasize the informational and
cultural value of our programs. Even if I never opened my mouth in our meetings except to
take food, attendance would be worthwhile for what I learn. Open ears would bring me full

value for my investment.
To the other values of Toastmasters training let us add this one, with emphasis—that it is the
busy man’s best chance to take a post graduate course in general information without
inconvenience or loss of time.
Toastmasters are educators, whether they realize it or not, and Toastmasters is more than a
club—it’s an education. Dr. Ralph Smedley, 1966, Personally Speaking

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