Page 32 - Voices
P. 32
(On Stage in Pioneer Square—Continued from page 5) Feel the action of your diaphragm as it pumps
up to an exhilarating day. air in and out of your lungs? (Okay, you can stop
Speakers also overcame the challenge of the
now before you faint.) Most of us only fill the top
background noise from the MAX light rail trains of our lungs with air when we breathe. Instead,
and TriMet buses going by, along with some
fill them from the bottom, so that when you
exuberant members of the public who were
exhale, the relaxed diaphragm rises and pushes
oblivious to what was taking place. Even the
air out of the lungs and over your vocal chords.
distractions added to what was already a unique When your voice lacks power, it’s often due to
Toastmasters experience. not having enough breath-support. Fast
Everyone left energized. By bringing the fun and speakers may not stop to breathe often enough.
excitement of a Toastmasters meeting onto a big When you stop and breathe between ideas, you
public stage for an entire city to see, District 7
come across as in command of your thoughts
Toastmasters made its presence felt in downtown and words. This technique also helps eliminate
Portland. One question remains: After the World’s filler words like “um” and ‘uh’ from your
Largest Toastmaster Meeting, what do we do for conversation.
an encore? On the other hand, slow speakers may not take
Sharon Kuroda, DTM has held multiple positions within
Toastmasters, most recently as the District 7 Hospitality Chair in enough air. By the end of a long sentence, you
and Division G Governor. She graciously donated her time and can wind up with a whispery-sounding voice or
camera to taking pictures at this event. Erik Bergman, DTM is one that cracks like a pre-teen boy. Remember
the current Division Governor for Division E. He has served the to stand straight, breathe deep and push the air
District as chief judge and area governor as well as club officer through from your diaphragm – this gives both
roles within his home club, WE Toasted.
YOU and YOUR WORDS the energy you need to
(Is Your Voice a Tuba or a Flute —Continued from page 12) Now that you’ve had some time to think about it,
Predictable patterns cause the listener to tune out I’ll ask again. In the Orchestra of Life are you a
and perhaps miss something important you
Tuba or a Flute? I invite you to treat your voice
have to say. Want to know how to fix this? You like the distinct and versatile instrument that it
can practice by reading a newspaper or
is. Practice these vocal tips on a regular basis,
magazine article with a specific celebrity in
and I promise that whatever the stage, when it’s
mind. (Tell your inner critic to chill out during time for your ‘solo’… your voice will have the
this exercise!) How would James Earl Jones,
‘strength and authority’ to bring down the
Richard Simmons or Sylvester Stallone read it? house and leave them calling for an encore!
You’ll soon discover you have a wider range of
Linda Bard is known as “The Soul Brand Strategist”
inflections than you thought! And finally we
at her company A
come to Power. Deep, controlled breathing is
necessary for good vocal production. passionate and rebellious Renaissance woman,
The sound of any wind instrument depends on Linda has been a creative entrepreneur and
the amount of air used to produce its tone. Your storyteller for more than two decades. She helps
voice is also supported by a column of air - think soulful and savvy women discover the vulnerable
of the diaphragm as the foundation on which underbelly of their compelling core story, so they
this air column rests. Not sure where your confidently share their ‘message of
transformation,’ while receiving the income they
diaphragm is? Let’s try this exercise: Put your
finger just below your breast bone, take a good so richly deserve for their work in the world.
breath in, then stick out your tongue and begin She is currently VP of PR for the District 7 niche

to pant like a dog after a long walk on a hot day. club “Toastmasters for Speaking Professionals.”

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