Page 29 - October 2020 Voices
P. 29

Are You Getting Your Money’s  Worth?

                                                                       visits a club in London. Find a club in
                                                                      your hometown, where you went to
                                                                      college, or where you hope to vacation.

                                                                       The world of Toastmasters is at your
                                                                             fingertips and on your screen.
                                                                                     Now that you know there
      recipients.                                                                    is much more available
      Check out Voices!                                                                 to you than a weekly

      on page 24 of                                                                         meeting, I hope
      the August 2020                                                                            you will take
      issue and learn
      what it takes to

      become a DTM,
      the highest honor
      bestowed upon a
      Toastmaster. This

      is just some of what a
      District Conference has to
      offer. Because Covid will
      be around for awhile our

      next conference will be virtual.
          Did you know that you can visit other
      clubs? I had been a Toastmaster for well over year
      when I was invited to visit Wallmasters. WOW!  advantage and broaden your horizons. You don’t

      I thought it was Toastmasters on steroids. That  know who you will meet or what you will learn
      visit broadened my horizons. I was inspired by  when you venture beyond the confines of your
      speakers new to me. I was exposed to other ways  club. I just looked up a club in my hometown.

      to evaluate and conduct Table Topics. I was made  It has an engaging Facebook Page. I think I will
      to feel welcome. Take advantage of the virtual  drop in and pay them a visit. Who knows, I might
      meetings and visit other clubs in District 7 and  meet an old friend or learn something new.
      beyond. I know a Toastmaster who routinely

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         29
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