Page 32 - October 2020 Voices
P. 32



            James Wantz, DTM

      October is the time to celebrate vampires,                 To spice up a regular meeting try one of the
      witches, pumpkins, bats and zombies. All things         following:

      Halloween-y. Unfortunately, zombies have                   Get every member involved at every meeting.
      invaded many Toastmasters meetings and are              If I go to an online meeting and don’t get a
      sucking the life out of them. Clubs around the          chance to talk—well, I am less likely to ever go
      district are losing members to Zoom-bies—               back (especially if I am a visitor).

      otherwise known as Zoom fatigue and the                    Appoint an energized greeter or someone
      speaking undead.                                        who is all bounce. You know, the one person
          If I am attending online meetings for my job,       in your club that always has more energy than
      I don’t want to go to another lifeless meeting in       any one person should have for a single day (or

      my free time. I want to attend a fun, memorable,        lifetime). They are awesome at energizing online
      and energetic meeting that I will remember long         meetings. I love watching them ricochet off the
      after it is over!                                       sides of their camera box (yes, I’m talking about
          I go to Toastmaster meetings to socialize           you, Raynette).

      and get out of my own head—I am an inveterate              Look for a way to have a team activity early in
      introvert that verges on the edge of misanthropy        the meeting. Sunrise Toastmasters has a theme
      if I don’t get out and remind myself that other         for their group photo at the beginning of every
      people are pretty cool (most of the time). I really     meeting. It was Hawaiian shirts one time and

      like attending fun meeting—and by that I mean           bow ties the next time I visited. I really like their
      meetings that are actually enjoyable, not ones in       creativity and group involvement.
      which the Toastmaster is insisting everyone is             Expand introductions. Instead of just having
      “having fun” despite evidence to the contrary.          the visitors introduce themselves why not have

          How do you make your online meeting more            everyone introduce themselves and say a few
      member friendly to combat the Zoom-bies?                words at the beginning. One club in the UK has
      There are two areas to focus on: the meeting in         every member introduce themselves and answer
      general and the presentations.                          the question of the day. It is a bit like Table Topics

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