Page 33 - October 2020 Voices
P. 33

but shorter . . . and earlier in the meeting.           actually using babytalk).
          Look for activities that involve all the                Move the microphone closer to your mouth
      members. One New Horizons Table Topicsmaster            so that you can use a more dynamic range of
      asked us to turn off our cameras in response            vocals. With it that close you can whisper and

      to the questions he was asking. For example,            your audience will still hear you. Remember,
      he asked everyone to turn off their cameras if          you are speaking right into their ears.
      they visited two or more countries, then three              Use most of your speaking frame. Don’t move
      or more, etc. Eventually there was one member           away from the camera - you will get smaller on

      that had his camera on and he had to talk about         the screen and in the audience’s mind too.
      the twelve countries he’d visited.                          Bring your gestures into view of the camera—
          Now how to spice up presentations:                  don’t gesture off screen because no one can see
          Well . . . they need a massive infusion of          them.

      vim and vigor! The magic of public speaking is              To enhance my presentations, I pull out all
      when the speaker converses with the people in           the tricks I learned in the theatre. Actors pump
      the room. They read reactions to change their           themselves up before a performance to make
      delivery style to be sure their point is being made.    sure they start at full steam. Before speaking, I

      Unfortunately, you cannot effectively do that on        listen to lively music—something that gets my
      Zoom meetings—the audience is often hidden or           blood flowing (no . . . not Pachelbel’s Canon. More
      their cameras are off. Speakers who look at their       like Tool or Infected Mushroom. Something with
      audience on the screen can seem disconnected            very high beats per minute). Other actors do

      because they aren’t looking at the camera.              jumping jacks or wind sprints. All actors warm
          For your speeches try the following:                up their vocal chords by going over their lines
          Exaggerate your vocal variety. Video flattens       or other mouth stretching tongue twisters.
      sound so speak to higher highs and lower lows.              Join me in the next several months to combat

      Imagine you are speaking to a child. Use the            the pernicious Zoom-bies and get your members
      highs and lows of talking to babies (without            back in your meetings!

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         33
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