Page 25 - October 2020 Voices
P. 25

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      In the next Wednesdays Wonderful Webinar you will learn

      All organizations have membership turnover. We are in a perpetual recruitment
      mode. Meeting on Zoom has made it more difficult. In this interactive session we
      will explore

         •  What attracts people to check out a Toastmasters meeting

         •  What helps to ensure a guest becomes a member
         •  What helps to ensure a new member becomes a long-term member

      About the Presenter

      Bill Maher enjoys living in Tigard, Oregon with his wife and puppies. Growing up outside
      of Philadelphia, PA, Bill has been been an edcucator for over 20 years in Southern
      California and Oregon. Bill joined New Horizons Toastmasters in 2012.  He has enjoyed
      being a Toastmaster, participating in club  leadership, growing as a public speaker and

      developing amazing friendships. As an educator to high school students, he attributes
      his continued effectiveness in presenting and teaching, in large part, to the skills and
      strategies learned in Toastmasters.

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         25
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