Page 28 - October 2020 Voices
P. 28


       Are You Getting Your Money’s  Worth?

    Leanna Lindquist, DTM

    District 7 Education Coordinator

     If you get out of Toastmasters all there is to get out of Toastmasters, you’ll never get out of
     Toastmasters —Past International President Helen Blanchard

      Are you getting all that you can out of your          publication?
      Toastmasters membership? If you answered                  Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) is
      yes, then good for you. You have figured it out.      our best attended free event. Offered summer
      I salute you.                                         and winter it centers on club officer training.

          Do you attend your club meetings with the         The good news is it is not just for club officers.
      idea that this is what your membership is all         Multiple break-out sessions on a variety of topics
      about? If you answered yes, you are missing out       are offered. Pre-Covid days it was in person. We
      on so much more. You are being short changed.         enjoyed potluck breakfast and lunch. The best

      You are not getting your money’s worth. There         part was meeting old and new friends. We all
      is something you can do about it.                     left with renewed energy and commitment to
          If you are reading this article then you know     our own Toastmasters journeys. The next one is
      about Voices! There is a wealth of information in     virtual on December 5th. Don’t miss out.

      this free, online magazine created and published          I believe that everyone should enter a Club
      by our own District 7 members. Within its pages       Contest at least once. You don’t know if you are
      you will learn about incentives to improve your       the next District or World Champion if you don’t
      club, Pathways, personal growth, and storytelling.    participate in a club contest. There is no growth

          Enjoy the human-interest stories and meet         in the comfort zone. Give it a try. You may find
      other Toastmasters from around the District.          that you love to compete. If contests are not for
      Keep up with events in the District such as           you, at least you know.
      Wednesday’s Wonderful Webinars. All 74, yes 74,           District 7 holds an Annual Conference

      issues are on the District 7 website for you to flip  in the spring. We feature an out-of-District
      through and take advantage of the knowledge           keynote speaker. The International Speech and
      and wisdom of your fellow Toastmasters. Are           Evaluation Contests are held. We honor our
      you someone who should submit an article for          most recent Distinguished Toastmaster Award

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