Page 31 - October 2020 Voices
P. 31

words to the editor, and you’ve written 118,234         submitted to me at

     and still haven’t talked about what happened            I will choose the one I think most appealing
     to the crazy uncle introduced in chapter three.         to our readers and publish the winning entry
         Yes, some people hear me say that and think         here. I must receive submissions no later than
     I’m crazy. How can my characters come up with           midnight PDT November 8, 2020. Now go select

     things I wouldn’t have thought of? Everything           your submission and send it in! (P.S. The concept
     my characters think, say and do comes from my           of a “contest” where the only prize is bragging
     mind. True. But when I put myself in the role           rights and publication doesn’t seem to be getting
     of my protagonist, or antagonist, or supporting         any traction. If this month doesn’t garner at

     character, I try to think the way that character        least a few submissions, I’ll drop the contest in
     would think. The easiest example is “the bad guy.”      the future.)
         I’ve been called a lot of things, and “accused”
     of many things throughout my life, but never

     “the bad guy.” Some have said I’m a “good guy,”
     a “great guy,” a “nice guy.” I’ve been “accused”           I start writing with only
        of being too patient, too easy-going, too kind.
          Whether those people are biased, right,               the vaguest idea about who

           wrong, or crazy, I do have a tendency to
            think of the good/kind/right thing to do.           my characters are and
               I don’t harbor murderous thoughts,
                I have no desire to take over the               what is going to happen,

                world, and I don’t secretly plot acts
              of chaos and mass destruction. But my             and the characters and
             antagonist might.
                It all comes back to making characters          plot come into existence as

           relatable. If your “bad guy” doesn’t think
               bad thoughts, or do bad things, readers          I go. I’ve tried doing it
                   will have trouble believing the
                     character.                                 the other way, but for me,

                                                                outlining is a waste of time
                             Here is the writing-related
                         exercise this month (same as
                         last month): share 100 words           because I never follow the

                      (or so) about a strong opening
                      (speech or writing), a solid              outline. ~Karen Robards
     structure (writing or speech), or a powerful
     ending (speech or written piece). From those

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         31
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