Page 27 - September 2020 Voices
P. 27

technique in your next speech or piece of writing.          Here is the writing-related exercise this

     Audience engagement is a little more difficult. I       month: Share 100 words (or so) about a strong
     think you’ll find that part of a good speech that       opening (speech or writing), a solid structure
     engages the audience does so by offering relatable      (writing or speech), or a powerful ending (speech
     people and situations. So write characters that         or written piece.) From those submitted to me

     your reader can relate to, and make the setting,        at I will choose
     actions and situations relatable for your readers.      the one I think most appealing to our readers
             And how did the conclusion of the last          and publish the winning entry here. I must
     great speech you heard stay with you? Did it            receive submissions no later than midnight PDT

     have a call to action, a strong moral or a vibrant      September 8, 2020.  Now, go define your ideal
     message? How did it leave the audience wanting          reader and tell me all about it!
     more? And how can you make the ending of your
     written piece just as strong?

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2020         27
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