Page 23 - September 2020 Voices
P. 23



      OREGON’S FIRST CLUB (Part 4)

      Harvey Schowe, DTM

      The first meeting of the Eugene Toastmasters  Eugene Register Guard article reported a YMCA
      club began at 6:00 pm Tuesday, November 26,  Center meeting was held on Sunday at 2:30 pm
      1929 at the Eugene YMCA Center. Professor  with Harry Elliot as chairman. Howard Lee and
      Charles Howard was the director of the new  Charlie Fulton presented a 3-minute debate topic,

      club with 12 charter members. The Club met  presenting one side and rebuttal; club members
      twice a month, on the first and third Tuesdays,  presented the opposite side. For unknown
      with a 20- member limit. Frank Stinson Gannet,  reasons the Club disbanded after January 1934.
      Director and Vice President of the Eugene YMCA             Byron Welsh wrote in the January 1931 issue

      Center, was chairman for the meeting. The  of The Gavel about how Toastmasters training
      following Club officers were elected: Robert C.  benefitted members for public appearances and
      Merrell - President, Ray Torrey - Vice President,  extemporaneous speaking.
      and Albert Skade - Secretary-Treasurer.                       Harry T. Shea reported on member

             Professor Wayne Layman Morse of the  activities in the June and July
      University of Oregon Law School spoke about  1931 issues.  Charles Emory
      his experiences with public speaking clubs.  addressed a University of
      Professor Charles G. Howard of the University  Oregon class on insurance.

      of Oregon Law School was assigned as club critic  Harry Holden spoke about
      for speaking performance in future meetings.  “Vocation of Insurance”
      The Club president and secretary select the critic  during the Hi-Y club
      for one year.                                          meeting. Williand Kidwell

             The Eugene Lions High Twelve Club met  gave several speeches at the               Wayne Layman Morse
      Friday, February 7, 1930. Wayne Morse gave the  Young People’s club of Christine Church. F.
      speech “How and Why to Speak in Public.” Morse  C. Pursley spoke during the Sunday evening
      was acknowledged as an outstanding University  Presbyterian Church Forums. Dr. W. C. Buchanan

      of Oregon instructor in public speaking. He  was principal speaker during the annual Kiwanis
      mentioned being Eugene Toastmasters club  Club Ladies’ Night. Dr. J. E. Richmond delivered
      president.     At the June 16, 1930 meeting  an address on Orthodontia during the June 18,
      members voted to become a closed club as of  1931 Oregon Dental Association meeting in

      1931 with a 25 member limit. The Club had 45  Portland.
      members with 24 active participants at the time.  Photograph reproduced with Copyright Permissions from
             After 1931, no information about club  Eugene Register Guard Newspaper
      meetings was reported until a January 21, 1934

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2020         23
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