Page 24 - September 2020 Voices
P. 24


       Club Success: It Takes a Village

       Lisa Hutton, DTM
       VP Membership, Marylhurst Toastmasters

      Some people are curious by nature and stumble  explain the three portions of the meeting and
      into Toastmasters without knowing exactly what  the various roles? It can be challenging to

      they are looking for. It was recommended to  understand the format of the meeting at first. It’s
      them and they are checking it out. Some people  helpful to have a structured opening where the
      come with specific intentions to improve their  roles and responsibilities are explained. Do you
      public speaking skills. Whatever the reason  invite them to participate in Table Topics? Do

      behind their initial interest, it’s important to  you inquire what they liked about the meeting?
      make sure they get something out of attending  Do you invite them to attend again and join the
      each meeting. If you think that this is someone  club? Do you follow up afterwards to see if they
      else’s ‘responsibility’ then STOP reading right  have any questions? Do you understand the value

      now. I’m not going to waste your time convincing  of asking someone questions? Authentically
      you that everyone is responsible for the culture of  connecting with guests will encourage them to
      the club. If you DO care about cultivating a club  become a member of your club.
      that is fun, engaging, has a diverse membership,          Does your club embody the mission—“to

      and is something that you look forward to  provide a positive and supportive learning
      attending, then Ok, this article is for you. (Please  experience . . .”?
      keep reading.)                                            When we meet the needs of our members,
         A first impression is made from the moment  we achieve so much more than helping them to

      someone checks out your club’s website and it  transition from one Pathways level to the next.
      gets solidified when they attend as a guest. Do  Confidence, poise, and a feeling of ease when
      you encourage guests to contact the club to attend  speaking to a group can feel elusive until you
      – obtain Zoom link? Does your club warmly  start to measure your progress and get specific

      welcome a guest? Do you have a packet for them  feedback from caring people. Is there a foolproof
      with pertinent information about Toastmasters  recipe to create the perfect club environment? I
      and an application to join? Does the Toastmaster  don’t think it’s a recipe per se. However, I do know

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