Page 26 - September 2020 Voices
P. 26


       I’m a Toastmaster

       I Talk - I Don’t Write!

       Ken Coomes, DTM

       Okay, so you’re a talker. You know three to four       ends. And every good ending brings closure to

       Toastmasters who have written something worth          the content of the speech (substitute story here),
       reading, and three to four dozen Toastmasters          but also leaves you wanting more.
       who don’t write, but they give excellent speeches.        We’ve already begun addressing that third
       Let’s look at three main synergies between             common element between good

       speaking and writing.                                  speeches and good writing—
          One of the key qualities of top-notch speakers      they both engage the audience.
       is telling a good story. It doesn’t matter if they     If you’re listening to a speech
       are competing in a Tall Tales contest, the             that hasn’t drawn you in, it’s

       International Speech contest, or giving a speech       easy to start making notes,
       for their home Club. The best speakers are good        reminding yourself of the
       at telling a story. When you sample a book by an       feedback you want to offer. If
       author you haven’t read before, what leads you to      you’re reading a book with the

       keep on reading? A good story. Even the easiest        same sense of being a distant
       and most pleasant non-fiction author tells a good      observer, you’ll probably put
       story. If there is no story, reading the book is a     it down and choose something
       chore at best.                                         else to read.

          Can you think of another important trait               See? You’re already working
       all really good speeches have in common?               towards being a good writer.
       Something you learned when you first began             You’ve been calling it speech
       speaking in Toastmasters? I’m talking about            writing or preparation, but it can

       structure. Good speeches have an opening, a            be much more. And it doesn’t
       body and a conclusion. The same is true for            stop with the speeches you
       good writing—no matter the genre—in fiction            plan. You can learn more about
       and non-fiction alike. Just like good speeches, the    writing and speaking when you

       opening draws you in, catches your interest—           listen to other people present.
       engages you. The body carries you on a journey         If they have a strong opening,
       with the author, making you want to know how           notice how you were drawn in;
       the story (substitute speech here, if you like)        consider using a similar opening

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