Page 25 - September 2020 Voices
P. 25

from being in a club that has been President’s         managed generates a unified goal for members.
      Distinguished for the past 14 consecutive years,       Be sure to include newer members with tasks
      it’s important to keep in mind that members            and help as needed. Remember: Toastmasters
      are always thinking, “What’s in it for me?” If         is where leaders are made!
      there were a recipe, meetings should consist               Celebrating the educational goals of your

      of the following elements: well planned, start         members and club successes is what I think
      and end on time, variety of engaging speakers,         of as “the icing on the cake.”.Taking the time
      opportunities for leadership, evaluations that         to acknowledge members and thanking those

      offer specific and helpful feedback, and perhaps       that made an event go well gives affirmation
      a theme. Does your club deliver these basic            to everyone that their participation in the club
      expectations?                                          matters. Again, every member is accountable
          Members on a regular basis should be               for creating a club environment that promotes
      encouraged to talk about their club, post about it     personal growth. Truth be told, in order to bring

      on social media, and invite someone to attend as a     in new members, a club has to offer the person
      guest each week. The secret behind Toastmasters        something of value. Find out when they visit what
      is that it’s not a secret. ANYONE can join and         it is they are looking for and, when possible, give

      improve themselves. That’s not a false promise.        it to them. Much like the expression “there are
      It’s truly a matter of getting out what you put into   no strangers here; only friends you haven’t yet
      it. If you’re lucky, you’ll also make a few good       met.” Guests are members that have yet to join.
      friends in the process.                                By extending fellowship and friendship, you’ll
          When your club does have a special event or        increase the likelihood of them joining your club.

      Open House, it’s paramount that you advertise              Lisa Hutton joined Marylhusrt Toastmasters
      the event. These distinctive moments are an            in June, 2011. She is currently serving as their VP
      opportunity for your club to shine. Assembling         Education.

      a committee to ensure all of the details are

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2020         25
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