Page 21 - September 2020 Voices
P. 21

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       Explore how you can select specific electives within the Pathways program to reach your personal and
       professional goals
         •  Identify specific electives that allow you to build and refine leadership skills
         •  Delve into the High-Performance Leadership Program (HPLP) and design a project for your work,

             community, or Toastmasters club
         •  Engage in the Toastmasters Mentoring Program

       About the Presenter
       Kathleen Tully is a long time District 7 Toastmaster. She has served in all club officer roles, has been an Area
       Director and Division Director, and supported the District as the Education and Training Coordinator, and
       PRM. She has earned her DTM through the legacy education program AND has embraced the Pathways
       education program, having completed two paths (Dynamic Leadership and Innovative Planning) and

       working on her third (Effective Coaching). She is looking forward to sharing the value and benefits of
       Pathways electives with you!

                                                                               VOICES! | SEPTEMBER 2020         21
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