Page 16 - September 2020 Voices
P. 16


      Celebrating the

      “Little Bits”

       Emilie Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

      It is time to have fun and celebrate our district  I think we have heard that before! Please join
      leaders and members and the volunteer work  us Saturday, October 3, 2020 from 10:00 AM
      they put in to finish the 2019-2020 Toastmasters  to Noon. You are all invited. Zoom over to your
      year. We were strong despite the pandemic. I  computers in your PJs if you must! Come and

      have said many times this past year; “it takes  celebrate with us!
      a village of Toastmasters to run this District.”           As the Immediate Past District Director
      Many of our volunteers are quietly doing their  tirelessly working in the shadows, I am
      bit. . . and there are a lot of bits!                  responsible for organizing the event. This year

          Every year around this time, we host the  we are very fortunate to have Lark Doley, DTM,
      Celebration of Leadership. We honor, recognize,  Past International President (2019-2020) as
      and give out awards to those who went above  our Keynote Speaker. For added fun, we have
      and beyond their membership as District 7  included Tall Tales Speeches and invited four

      Toastmasters. Among the awards that will be  members from our District: Sudhir Gautam,
      presented are the following: Toastmaster of the  Mitra Shahri, Tara Rolstad, and James Wantz to
      Year, Division Director of the Year, Area Director  spin some tales for our amusement. It’s going to
      of the Year, Lou Webb Award, Rookie of the  be delightful . . .

      Year, Herb C. Stude Educational Service Award,             Please join us on October 3, 2020 at 10:00
      Dick Moser Award, and Spirit Awards. We will  AM Pacific Time (US and Canada). To attend the
      also honor those leaders who “Distinguished”  event, please register in advance by clicking here.
      their Areas and Divisions. The awardees don’t  For additional information, please check the D7

      know the award that is coming to them. It is top  Calendar here. If you have any questions, email
      secret and only last year’s trio members (and  me at
      the WHQ Supply Orders Team) are privy to the                After registering, you will receive a
      information. This is usually an in-person event,  confirmation email containing information

      with all of the smiles, laughter, hugs, and tears  about joining the meeting.
      of what we consider the “Academy Awards” of
      Toastmasters. Alas. . .  Yep, here we go again. . .
      “Due to COVID-19, we will conduct via Zoom.”

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