Page 14 - September 2020 Voices
P. 14
Dues & Value
Lorri Andersen, DTM
Club Growth Director
September means dues and “value” for His questions: how do
Toastmasters. When we exchange our dues we build or rebuild community
with Toastmasters International, we expect while not being able to meet face to face.
to receive the very best in quality service. Thoughtfully, he approached his ideas:
When new friends join our clubs, they Number one, vision. We need a vision to build a
want and expect the same as experienced community. Second, we need to be dedicated to
club members. We work hard to give new club this commitment, and thirdly, we need to help
members the very best club experience we can. each other in this endeavor.
Referencing the Toastmasters International How did I relate this to Toastmasters?
website, “Members join Toastmasters to become We need a new vision to build an online club
more effective communicators and leaders. They experience. There are a lot of tools on the
stay in Toastmasters because the club provides Toastmasters International Website to help us
a valuable service and meets their individual with vision and the Moments of Truth is one
needs. A quality club environment is the single of them. It’s a club and personal self-evaluation
most important factor in membership retention.” that can be a positive motivator. We need to
Every club I attend does their very best to be dedicated in doing this. Building your club
make guests feel welcomed. I heard Matt Kinsey, is building your community. It takes time,
Toastmasters International’s First Vice President, dedication, and effort.
say in a webinar this summer that guests have Toastmasters International’s Envisioned
two main thoughts; “Will I fit into this club and Future is to be the first-choice provider
will Toastmasters fill my needs?” That is the value of dynamic, high-value, experiential
we give to our new club members. communication and leadership skills
What does it take to build a club six months development. It takes dedication to build such
into Covid 19? The funny thing is even though an organization. It starts at the club level. Lastly,
we are technically still in a shutdown, it doesn’t we need to help each other. It takes commitment
feel like it. How then can we meet our members to build relationships and help meet our club
and guests needs during this time? members goals.
A Toastmaster friend of mine who lives in When you think about dues this September,
California, gave a great speech over Zoom last think about value and building community with
month and I related it directly to Toastmasters. excellence.