Is This the Path(way) for Me?

Is This the Path(way) for Me?

In this session Cheri Redgrave will explore What is the major emphasis for each Path? How do Levels 3, 4, and 5 differ in each Path? How to go beyond the minimum requirements. What is the High Performance Leadership Project? What are the benefits of multiple Paths?...

The Unexpected Benefits of Pathways

Have you been holding back from starting a path in Pathways? Did you look and tell yourself, nothing new here? That was Suzanne. After digging again she found three unexpected benefits of Pathways. Find your unique leadership style Become a better communicator...
Pathways Fundamentals

Pathways Fundamentals

Pathways Fundamentals Are you a new member and not sure where to begin? Or, does it feel like the learning curve never ends in Pathways? Dave Bones will combine his skills as a music teacher and a Base Camp Manager with his Passion for Pathways to help you find the...