AssistanceBeginning with the renewal period 4/1/2014 – 10/31/2014, clubs must have a membership base of 8 members, of which 3 must be from the prior renewal period, in order to maintain their standing at Toastmasters International. This is a change from the current rules, where clubs only needed to have 6 members with 3 from the prior renewal period.

There are currently 183 clubs in District 7. Forty-five clubs have eight or fewer active members. If your club is in danger of losing their active status because of low membership, now is the time to hold an open house, conduct that community speechcraft you’ve been discussing, and start ramping up your membership drives. If you want help with your campaigns, contact Michelle Alba-Lim, Lt. Governor Marketing at As a reminder, clubs with less that 12 members are eligible for the club coach program. Contact Leanna Lindquist, Club Coach Coordinator,, for more information about how this program can help your club increase membership.

If your club isn’t affected by the upcoming rules change, please lend a hand as a club coach, part of  the marketing team, or as an unofficial club mentor. Together we can help our smaller clubs thrive by partnering with them on their return to charter strength. Contact Michelle and Leanna asap, your Toastmasters family needs you.