Club Event: Evaluate to Elevate – Why Good Evaluations Make Good Speakers 7:15-9 p.m.
Learn the art and craft of becoming great at evaluations.
About this event
Are your club meetings being dragged down by white-washed feedback? Do you struggle with evaluations? Do you find yourself stagnating as a speaker?
Help is at hand! Join us for this interactive workshop to learn
- The Why – the fundamental reason to improve evaluation skills
- The What – nuts and bolts of constructing a good evaluation
- The How – designing your evaluation signature
We will hear a project speaker who will receive wide ranging quality evaluations, in real time. As a guest, you can volunteer to evaluate, participate in Q&A or simply observe.
Feedbackers Toastmasters Club, an evaluation specialty club of 20 years, meets online once a month. We apply the power of practice, technique, and feedback to elevate our evaluations. Then we take our learnings back to our home clubs to raise the evaluation level, and most importantly our own speaking level. We welcome all Toastmasters to our meetings, as guests or members.
If you are a Toastmaster curious to take your evaluations to the next level, this one is for you. Join Us!
“If you want to become a better speaker, become a better evaluator.” Lance Miller, 2005 World Champion of Public Speaking
Eventbrite link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/320360535987
May 11, 2022 7:15 – 9:00 pm (PDT)