Division G Council Meeting October 30: Zoom Online 9:30 AM-10:30 AM – bring your questions, problems, ideas, and solutions! Our first meeting is about membership building.
Everyone is welcome! Division G Club members, join us on October 30 for an open forum discussion on being and becoming Toastmasters and leaders, facilitated by Suzanne Loeb, Division G Director, DTM.
Think of this monthly meeting as a city council meeting for our community of Toastmasters. Bring issues, action items to discuss, and share your experiences, good and not-so-good. Bring an idea or start a committee. Our first meeting focuses on what every Toastmaster is talking about now – being a member and helping others become a member. Our highest priority is membership building and having great experiences. The Toastmasters Mission Statement is our guidance to have a quality experience every time we get together.
This is a monthly meeting on the last Saturday of every month. Be sure to check the District 7 Calendar monthly for any changes, conflicts with Division G contests or major holidays, like Christmas. Here is the schedule for our council meetings for the rest of the 2021 – 2022 Toastmaster year, ending on June 30, 2022.
Click this meeting link on the date and time to launch into the meeting. Here is the meeting link to copy and paste into your calendar:
October 30, 2021: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM
November 27, 2021: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM
December 18, 2021: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM
January 22, 2022: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM
February 19, 2022: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM
March 19, 2022: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM
April 30, 2022: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM
May 28, 2022: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM
June 25, 2022: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM