Contest: Area 82 Division G International Speech & Evaluation, 10-11:30am
Online on February 26, watch the top speakers in Area 82 compete in the Toastmasters International Speech and Evaluation Contest. Login on February 26, at 10 AM PST, through Zoom!
The contest starts at 10 AM and ends around11:30 AM. Log in early – after 10 AM, you will not be admitted.
If you have questions email Miranda Moy, the Area 82 Director: area82@d7toastmasters.org
Or, call Suzanne Loeb, Division G Director, at 360-979-1622
On the morning of the contest, click on the-one time Zoom link below:
Date: Saturday, February 26, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 960 5445 2961
Passcode: 044617