Hear Ye! Hear Ye! March 2013 is Officially Toastmasters Month
John A. Kitzhaber, M.D., Governor of the State of Oregon, hereby proclaims March 6-30, 2013 Toastmasters Month.
5% Growth Challenge – Congratulations to Division B
The February winner of the 5% Growth Challenge is Division B who increased membership over their July 1 base by 6.7%. They have earned a portable lectern with new branding, timing lights, or a Division Banner. Clubs still have until the end of March to participate. Find out about the monthly prizes and the big prize for the Division with the most growth.
Sweet Deal – Pay 100% of Club Dues and Earn $50 for Your Club It’s time to pay membership dues for April – September. To say THANK YOU, Phyllis Harmon, Lt. Governor Marketing is offering the following incentives:
- Submit 100% of your club dues to Toastmasters International before March 25, 2013 and earn 100,000 ($50) points for your club!
- Submit 80% of your club dues to Toastmasters International before March 25, 2013, and earn pastries or cookies for one of your club’s meetings in April.
Rules: Membership numbers are based on a 3/2/2013 download of club members from Toastmasters International. To find out what how many members must pay dues to qualify for either incentive, refer to the Membership Sweet Deal Incentives.
Spring Conference – Early Bird $50 Registration Effective Until March 25th
Want a FREE registration to Communicate Oregon?
Conduct a Moments of Truth at your club before March 31st and submit the details to Scott Alexander by April 2nd and be entered into a drawing for a free registration at Communication Oregon. Read more about Moments of truth on the Blog.
Mark your calendar and register now for D7’s Spring Conference on May 3rd and 4th. Keynote Speaker Mike Barsul, DTM, International Director Region 2, joins us for Communicate Oregon: Information to Application. The Northwest’s Premier Communication Conference is being held at the Ambridge Events Center located at 1333 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, OR.
The Spring Conference kicks off Friday night May 3rd with a social hour beginning at 6:15 p.m. and features the screening of the inspiring documentary SPEAK: Come Find Your Voice. Saturday begins early with a continental breakfast, and the day’s agenda is packed with the Evaluation and International Speech contests, lunch, and speakers focused on effective communication. Learn more at www.CommunicateOregon.com. Registration for Saturday is just $50. The Early Bird deal is effictive through March 25th. Register today for the confernece and add Friday night to your registration for only $25 more.

15% Club Growth Contest – February Business Card Winners
Congratulations to February Business Card Winners! The following clubs increased membership by 15% over their July 1 base during the month of February and have earned 500 business cards for their club.
- American Red Cross
- Embracing Cultures
- Flying Toasters
- Sage Beaverton
- Talking Heads
- Transtoasters
- Tualatin Valley Toastmasters
- Tuesday Noon Toastmasters
Challenge: Who can visit the most clubs and travel the most miles between September 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013. Read more about the Rules, Restrictions, Contest period, Submission details and Prizes. Pictures must be sent directly to lgm@d7toastmasters.org to be eligible. Pictures posted only on social media will not be entered into the drawing.
1+1 Campaign
Toastmasters International Board Meets On February 21st and 22nd, the Toastmasters International board met. They discussed many items and have shared the minutes of their meeting online. LGET Scott Alexander posted a few key points in the D7 facebook group page.
Order your “Be Cool, Be You” t-shirt with the order form. All proceeds from this sale go towards the D7 Prison Scholarship Fund to assist the inmates in our District who cannot afford to pay dues. No monies are used for educational materials.
Banner Stealing Comes to D7 – Let the Games Begin!
Toastmasters has an informal tradition that states “when 5 or more Toastmasters from one club visit another club the visiting club can steal the banner of the visited club. To get your banner/ribbons back, five or more members from that club must then go to the other club.” Many Districts engage in banner stealing as an exciting way to create friendly competition and interaction between the clubs. District 7 encourages members to visit other clubs to increase personal growth and experience different club cultures. Banner stealing simply adds a layer of fun and frivolity.