Each year, District 7 realigns clubs within its boundaries to allow clubs — and members — be more effectively served by the Area Governors. Although theunoffical d7 map vote for the new alignment occurs at the Spring Business Meeting, the new alignment becomes effective July 1, 2014.

The mission of the 2013-14 realignment committee is to conform to Toastmasters International guidelines as stated in Protocol 7.0 (1)(D) and (F) (areas must consist of four to six clubs and every division must have a minimum of 3 areas), and to provide members with better connections to assigned governors by realigning the division and area boundaries. This will be accomplished through study of the geographic and demographic structure of the District as it is today, proposals for realignment based on a set of standards established by the realignment committee, and communication with affected governors and clubs.

Each member is tasked with reviewing a division for possible realignment. Changes to the current structure will be presented to the Division Executive Council as soon as possible for review and comment. The current committee members are noted along with their assigned division.
