Calendar Format


The calendar format is a monthly view.

The title of each event appears in chronological order by time in the appropriate date cell in the calendar. Each event follows a standardized color scheme and verbiage.

Each event title is divided into 3 parts:

  • Type of event (Makeup Training, Contest, etc)
  • Description (keep it short)
  • Start & End times (6-8pm, 11am-1pm)

Why did we do this?

  • Easier to find what you need in a crowded calendar
  • Less reading with condensed messages
  • Makes event categories stand out based on color.


  • Use the following key words preceding the respective events in the title of the event.
  • In the table below, note the shorter descriptions, begin and end times, and examples.
MAKEUP TRAININGOfficer Position (VP Membership)begin-end timeEducationyellowDistrict
LEARNING LABSbrief descriptionbegin-end timeEducationyellowDistrict
TECH TUESDAYSbrief descriptionbegin-end timeEducationyellowDistrict
CONTESTClub Namebegin-end timeContestsredClub
CONTESTArea # Div #begin-end timeContestsredArea
CONTESTDiv #begin-end timeContestsredDivision
CONTESTDistrict 7begin-end timeContestsredDistrict
COUNCIL MEETINGDiv # (brief topic)begin-end timeCouncilsblueDivision
COUNCIL MEETINGDistrict Executive Committeebegin-end timeCouncilsblueDistrict
OPEN HOUSEClub Name, brief descriptionbegin-end timeClub EventsgreenClub
WORKSHOPClub Name, brief descriptionbegin-end timeClub EventsgreenClub
SPECIAL EVENTClub Name, brief descriptionbegin-end timeClub Eventsgreen
DEMO MEETINGClub Name, brief descriptionbegin-end timeClub EventsgreenClub
DISTRICT 7Toastmasters Leadership Institutebegin-end timeDistrict ConferencesbrownDistrict
DISTRICT 7Annual Conferencebegin-end timeDistrict ConferencesbrownDistrict