District 7 Jobs – Club Services Manager

What’s In it for You?

District 7 is launching a new program to proactively reach out to clubs that are struggling to maintain membership, momentum, and productive meetings. As the Club Service Manager you have the opportunity to help define, develop and delivery this critically important new service to our members and clubs. Bring your creativity to this new and exciting program for our District, our clubs, and most importantly to our members.


The Club Service Manager is passionate and energetic—one that thrives in a fast-paced environment that is results-oriented. The Club Service Manager works closely with the Lt. Governor of Marketing to establish two new Club Services programs for the District. A Club Support Program and a Club Enhancement Program.

Club Support

Club Support is about working with struggling clubs to  revitalize and become strong healthy clubs again by working with an official Club Coach. These clubs have 12 or fewer members and need to rebuild their membership base.

Club Enhancement

Club Enhancement is about working with clubs to augment their meetings with short-term coaching, mentoring, tailored training, assistance with organizing Speechcraft or open house programs, etc. These clubs typically do not qualify for an official Club Coach.


ALS Credit

Club Services Manager can be used as a High Performance Leadership Project (HPLP) which is a requirement for the Advanced Leadership Silver (ALS) Award.

Key Responsibilities

  • Work with LGM to develop new program
  • Promote the new programs
  • Manage the programs
  • Help LGM recruit and assign Club Coaches
  • Attend District & LGM meetings


  • District Leadership Handbook (Item #222)
  • How to Rebuild a Toastmasters Club (Item #1158)
  • District 7 Club Service Program (authored by You!)


There are no restrictions or requirement for this position other than being a Toastmaster in good standing.

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