group picture copyLeanna Lindquist, District Public Relations Officer, and I attended Fortunate 500’s club meeting on October 29th. This high energy club followed a Halloween theme throughout the meeting. The evening was balanced with an ice breaker, where we took a journey from third grade spelling bee champion to a calling as a Salvation Army Pastor, followed by an inspirational project 10 where we experienced the angst of job loss and how Toastmasters played  a role in helping the presenter find their next job. In Table Topics we spoke with ghoulies, ghosts, and witches. Everyone participated in the meeting, making it a lot of fun. Club president, Bob Kerr, accepted the 1st Quarter High Achievers award for the club, and agreed that Fortunate 500 is very fortunate indeed to have such loyal and hard working members. He wasn’t a bit surprised that the club achieved first place in the competition, as he believes they are Number 1 in all their endeavors!

Second quarter High Achievers award will be presented in January to the club whose members submit the largest percentage of educational awards in October, November, and December based on active membership at the end of the quarter. For October Servetus, Grants Pass, and Molalla Toastmasters were the front runners in the contest.  With two more months to go, every club has the opportunity to walk home with the trophy.