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      New Club Primer

      Dave Bones, DTM - Club Growth Director

      Do you ever reflect on what first brought you to            •  More people to learn from, and connect                            •  Answering questions                                          How to Get Started
      Toastmasters, and your growth since then? Are you               with                                                             •  Directing them to resources                All members:

      excited when a new member joins your club, and           For the Club Building teams:                                            •  How to Build a Toastmasters Club             •  Read the How to Build a Toastmasters Club
      think about those same upcoming opportunities               •  Experiential learning in:                                             (see above)                                     (Item 121)
      for them?                                                       •  Leadership                                                    •  All Applications to Organize (ATO)           •  Contact me if you want to contribute on any

         Maybe you have even thought about starting a                 •  Team dynamics                                                     chartering forms (Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,          of the Club Growth teams!
      new club which would be the source for even more                •  Communication                                                     6, 6A)                                    Area and Division Directors
      exponential growth, fun, and connection. But, if            •   As Area or Division Director, achieve                  Club Growth Director                                      •  Check your geographic region or time slots
      you are anything like me, you probably were not at              President's Distinguished status                          •  Directs and supports team leaders                       throughout the week for a gap with no clubs
      all clear how to do this. Since you were not trained        •  District 7 related incentives and rewards                  •  Works with the Club Extension Chair (new            •  Supply me with a prospective lead and

      on this topic, you probably assumed that this is          Are you excited by these benefits? Excellent!                      clubs) to contact                                       contact person
      what someone else is responsible for.                  In that case look no further to find out who can                   •  Chartering team                                     •  Work toward attaining President's
         The reality is that the opportunity is right  help, and what you can do. There is an invaluable                        •  Corporate clubs                                         Distinguished status, which includes a club

      here, right now. Every member can contribute to  resource available to every Toastmaster if you                           •  Demo team                                               being chartered within your Area or Division
      building new clubs. No waiting is necessary, and  want to understand how to help build clubs. It is                    Club Sponsors (2)
      your introductory training is right here in this  called How to Build a Toastmasters Club (Item 121)                      •  Generate interest and recruit 20 members                             Closing thoughts
      brief article!                                         outlines the entire process. You can download by                      to start club                                        Maybe you have wondered how to start a new
         There are benefits for everyone involved when  clicking here.                                                          •  Show the new club how to hold meetings  club or what you could do to contribute in the

      we build new clubs:                                                                                                          and elect officers                                Toastmasters community. You have been busy and
         Prospective members:                                             Every Toastmaster can help build clubs                •  Serve as contacts for demo and pre-chartering  are not sure when or if you will be able to do this.
           •  Supportive and fun environment for  Regular members                                                                  discussions                                          The good news is that you don't have to do this

               growth                                          •  Provide leads and ideas from                                  •  Submit paperwork, fees, and dues to World  alone, and neither do any of us! When we share
           •  Public speaking, communication, and                  •  Towns of 10K people, or more                                 Headquarters                                      the load, we get more done. And it is much easier
               leadership skills                                   •  Companies with 150 or more employees                   Club Mentors (2)                                        because of teamwork and delegation.
           •  Personal development                                 •  Friends, family, colleagues                               •  Guide clubs and members for first 6 months           Your time for this is now. My time is now. It
           •  New relationships, and community                     •  Join a club building team                                    with                                              is our time. Fellow Toastmasters, we have been

           •  Extra support from related District 7  Area and Division Directors                                                   •  Club officer roles                             through challenges these past couple of years.
               incentives                                          •  Identify open geographic regions, or                         •  Pathways education curriculum                  Together, we can rise above and beyond what we
        Current memberst                                              unused meeting days/times                                    •  Distinguished Club Program                     previously thought possible in “building new clubs,

           •  Ever-thriving community                              •  Support club builders by                                                                                       as we support all clubs in achieving excellence.”

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