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                                                                        New Horizons Toastmasters #1360

                                                                           Come for the FUN, Stay for the GROWTH!
 Plan for Success                                                        Are you ready to

 Jim Robison, DTM                                                                 Bloom?
 Program Quality Director
                                                      Saturdays 8-9:30am (UTC-7 PDT)

                                                    Join a group where your public speaking
 A few days ago, I visited a Club, and was asked   at once. I arranged with my brother to meet us   where we needed to end up and
 in Table Topics, "What is something you   at five resupply points along the way, roughly   how we could get there. We also   and leadership skills can blossom!
 planned that worked out well?" My memory   every 6 days, where we would get restocked for   knew that we had the necessary   Zoom Link Meeting ID: 894 0261 6761 Passcode: 1360
 jumped back to something I did more than   the next leg of the hike. We prepared five boxes   resources.  In-Person at Marquis in Tualatin, Oregon

 four decades ago.  of supplies for my brother to deliver.  Planning pays off. That's   Contact & Club #1360 Info
  As a teenager, my favorite activity was    All our planning paid off as we met   why Toastmasters Clubs, Areas,
 hiking. Any time I could, I headed out on hikes   my brother on time at each point, and we   Divisions, and Districts must
 or backpacking trips with friends and family or   completed the entire trip on schedule. Some   work together to complete Club,

 by myself. I even started my own hiking club   days we made it further than we had expected,   Area, Division, and District
 to have a good excuse to do more hiking. I had   and on other days progress was slower than   Success Plans. Once you prepare
 the idea that I wanted to hike the Pacific Crest   planned. Still, overall, it balanced out; we even   a plan, as you move through the   Leadership and
 Trail. It would have been too much to hike the   had opportunities to stop for a day and enjoy   year, you might find that some

 entire length, but I could at least hike the length   the wilderness.   parts of the plan don't work out,
 of the trail through Washington State.  It was an unforgettable adventure; scenes of   but others turn out better than   learning are
  My best hiking buddy, Torsten, and I   alpine meadows, wilderness lakes, and majestic   expected, so it all comes together.
 planned our trip. We consulted maps and books   mountains are still vivid in my memory.  When you plan how to get to each

 about the Pacific Crest Trail in Washington and   The key to making this a successful trip   supply point along the way and   indispensable to
 resources about how to complete an extended   was the planning. We would not have made it   know you will have what you
 backpacking trip. From previous experience,   very far if we had just launched into the hike   need, you can make it through
 we had a good idea of how far we could hike   without advance planning and preparation.   with great success.  each other.

 each day and how much food and other supplies   Even though we discovered along the way
 we would need.  that the map we relied on was outdated and                                —John F. Kennedy
 The hike would take 36 days, so we could   a section of the trail had been rerouted, we
 not carry enough supplies for the entire trip all   still found our way without trouble. We knew

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