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      Let’s Become Distinguished,                                                                                                                   Ask Me How!

      Lorri Andersen, DTM - District 7 Director

                                                                                                                                      Club Success Plan. It takes some                create such a District. Let’s start by working
                                                                                                                                       time, but it is well worth it. This is         on our Moments of Truth and Club Success
                                                                                                                                      how you can help another member                 Plan. Both modules will help us, and our

                                                                                                                                     have a supportive and positive                   Club members grow. Toastmasters is both a
       Hello, District                                                                                                      learning experience.                                      communication and leadership program. For
       7      Fe l l ow                                                                                                         If you have not completed a Moments of                all of us in District 7 to achieve our goals, all
       Toastmasters! It’s                                                                                                   Truth or Club Success Plan before, ask your               areas need an Area Director. Being an Area

       a brand-new                                                                                                          Area Director for assistance. For all the Club            Director is a fun District job. You get to meet
       year, and I’m                                                                                                        Officers that were installed this year, I am              people in their Clubs and together work with
       excited to get                                                                                                       excited for your new year. Your President is              them to create an even more supportive
       started. I’ve                                                                                                        given charge to accept the “gavel as a symbol             and positive learning experience for

       been asked,                                                  Looking closely at self-confidence and                  of power and authority, given to them by the              their members. It’s like giving a positive
       what are my vision                                     personal growth, how does it all happen?                      membership of your Club. They are to use it               evaluation to the Club. This is how we
       and goals for this                                     Let me share with you  my first experiences.                  wisely and with restraint. They are a member              become a Distinguished District. We
       year? I can better  answer                             The Club I joined in Toastmasters was great.                  as well as a leader. A team is more than a                present the opportunity for every member

       with another question; what vision                     The Members in my Club were happy and                         collection of people. It is an emotional force            to have a supportive and positive learning
       and goal can we achieve together? Together,            were having fun. I joined in and those initial                rooted in the feeling, thoughts, and actions              experience and we help them learn and grow.
       as a team, we can accomplish great things.             experiences made me want to return and                        with the common goal of achievement,                      I am looking forward to you and I working
          Our Club mission says: “We provide                  continue working on my public speaking                        sharing, and mutual support. They are to                  together toward a common theme and goal.

       a supportive and positive learning                     skills. The evaluations were helpful. They                    work with your team members to create                     I am glad we are on this journey together.
       experience in which members (we) are                   focused on what I did well and how I could                    a healthy, dynamic Club, a Club of which
       empowered to develop communication and                 improve. I was gently told to work on my                      everyone can be proud.” . When the                        [1 Toastmasters Intl, Item 495]
       leadership skills, resulting in (our) greater          ahs, ums, and use of grammar. That is what I                  President and the Club Officer Team work

       self- confidence and personal growth.”                 believe was a supportive and positive learning                together to create a supportive and positive
       I love that mission statement even though              experience. Through those experiences, I                      learning experience, members can achieve
       it is a lot of words. I think it’s better when I       began to grow in self-confidence. Start this                  their goals and Clubs achieve theirs, too.
       break it down.                                         week on your Club’s Moments of Truth and                          Come join me and we’ll work together to

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