Page 13 - july 2022
P. 13

COVER STORY                                                                                 FIELD NOTES

                                               MY WORD IGNORANCE GIG

 However, if you are passionate in any of these  complementary start up supplies such as a   B. Lee Coyne, ATMS
 areas – please reach out to me.  lectern, banner, timing supplies, or TI store
 Another big intent is to re-invigorate and  certificate can help clubs financially as they

 co-create a District infrastructure for club  begin this exciting journey.  Words are pieces of the puzzle
 growth not only this year, but for ongoing years   The second category is to incentivize   Some encourage, others muzzle
 to come. This absolutely will take “team work  the club builders. This includes outcomes   Not all nouns will fit together
 to make the dream work.”  resulting toward chartering a new club such as   Adjectives not apt to tether

 providing an actionable lead. As well, the final
 What incentives and recognition are you planning  step of chartering the club will be rewarded.  One day I linked to a conjunction
 for the year ?  Finally, in conjunction with the Program       Did not absorb its real function
 There are two categories of Club Growth  Quality to incentivize Distinguished Club   I also lacked the ammunition

 incentives we are forming as a Trio. The  Program engagement will also include TI   To delve into that preposition
 first benefits new clubs. Offering a choice of  store certificates, and other fun prizes!
                                                                    Lesson next is punctuation

                                                                  Greeted that without elation
                                                                   Period means sentence stop
 Good leaders have vision and inspire others                      Question mark a query drop?

 to help them turn vision into reality. Great                    Then amidst our verbal drama

                                                                  I introduced a proper comma,
 leaders create more leaders, not followers.                       Along alas we kept on rollin'
                                                                      Till we hit upon a colon:
 Great leaders have vision, share vision, and                      Possessions need apostrophe'

 inspire others to create their own.                              So the subject can break free
                                                                    Readers readily must hark
                                                                   On seeing exclamation mark!
 ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

                                                               "Quotation marks" end our review
                                                                Now grammar gurus, me & you

                                                               Our wordy knowhow is complete
                                                                So now you tab it gone: DELETE

 12  ONE COMMUNITY                                                                    VOICES! | JULY 2022       13
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