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                                                               Toastmasters from all over the world as I                     Distinguished. They held Open Houses,                    these were notes to give evaluations, feedback,

                                                               participated in my Leadership training the                    delivered speeches, and persevered to                    grammarian reports, etc. A few members
                                                               last two years. I found it interesting that I                 complete their goals. We are beginning this              of the Club were longtime members who
                                                               had so much in common with people from                        new Toastmaster year with the same ambition              would sometimes comment about how much
                                                               other parts of the world. Toastmasters and the                and continued motivation.                                Toastmasters had changed since they started
                                                               issues and questions we have here in District                     Our District will have great incentives this         allowing women to be members (changed

                                                               7 are the same in Asia, Europe, and Canada.                   year for our members and clubs. Watch for                for the better). One story they told was that
                                                                  In 2020, I was asked to run for the position               new ones and old favorites which include the             before Toastmasters International allowed
                                                               of Club Growth Director. It was the first                     Moments of Truth, Club Success Plans, and                women to join, some Clubs (including

                                                               Covid year and things were uncertain. Yet,                    Club Open Houses.                                        Portland Toastmasters) would admit women
                                                               the members in our District supported my                          We will include                                      as members and just put their initials on the
      similar ci cumstances. I had carefully prepared,         efforts to build new clubs and support all clubs                  •  Pursuing viable club leads                        membership application—until Toastmasters
      planned for a meeting, knew exactly what I               in achieving excellence. We chartered six                         •  Building new clubs                                International started rejecting those and
      was going to say,and someone with a stronger             new clubs and coached many. I appreciated                         •  Helping clubs plan quality meetings               required full names.

      voice took over the meeting and I never had the          my Team members as we worked together to                          •  Welcoming new members.
      chance to speak. Again, I knew I needed to start         achieve district goals. Last year our Teams                       It is going to be a great year and I’m glad          What has been your greatest Aha! Moment in
      my Toastmaster journey. After a discussion with          were able to implement two-day Toastmasters                   we are in this journey togetherthis journey              your Toastmasters journey so far? Why?

      a manager, I set a new goal to join Toastmasters.        Leadership Institutes, monthly Learning                       together, let’s continue to talk.                            Perhaps it was when I realized that I could
          I endeavored to take the program to heart. I         Labs, Tech Tuesdays, Pathways trainings,                          .,                                                   do a better job of helping other people improve
      embraced the full program. What really made              and we offered a fun Bingo incentive. It was a                                                                         their communications skills than what I could
      me stay in Toastmasters was the evaluations.             great year in the making. What I have enjoyed                                                                          do myself.  It makes me feel good when I can
      The evaluations shared with me inspired me               the last two years is meeting people from all                  Jim Robison, DTM - Program Quality Director             give a speaker recommendations on their

      to continue. I was told what I did well, how I           District 7. Together we have worked hard and
      could improve, and how to take my speeches               had a great team effort. We have been able to                  Why did you join Toastmasters?
      to the next level.                                       take a difficult situation like Covid and turn                     I joined Portland Toastmasters in 1991

                                                               it around where we can all learn, grow, and                    when a friend invited me.  When I first started
      What has been your greatest Aha! Moment in your          meet new people.                                               to attend I did not have the funds to pay
      Toastmasters journey so far? Why?                                                                                       dues, so I attended as a guest for 9 months
          I attended Toastmasters meetings at 6:30             What is your vision for the District as the District           before joining the Club. I guess 9 months as
      on Wednesday mornings about 10 miles from                Director during 2022-2023?                                     a guest is not much compared to the 31 years

      my house. With the advent of Covid, I have                  My vision for 2022-2023 is a continuation                   I've been a member. I remember seeing a lot
      been able to join meetings and meet people               of the past two years: “to build new clubs and                 of people in the room taking notes during
      who live around Oregon, as well as other states          support all clubs in achieving excellence.”                    speeches and wondering "What are all these

      and countries outside the United States. I met           Members worked hard to finish the year                         people taking notes about?" Later I realized

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