Page 22 - july 2022
P. 22


      A Celebration of Life

      Kelly Garriott, CC

      This past May, we all gathered in Eugene to say         2.  Be the Toastmaster                                             emotional. Here’s a trick that I used at the                  are just like Family.

      goodbye to my dad. He died in March. My mom                 I feel some clubs don’t treat the role of                      Celebration of Life:                                     I think you get the point.  Tread lightly where
      is 83, my kid brother is 49, 12 years my junior.            Toastmaster as serious as they should. It’s a                      In my life, I have never referred to my dad       you need to.
      Somewhere along the way, amidst the chaos, we               skill. If you are good enough to get requests                  by his name, Jerry.  He’s Dad to me; however,

      decided that it would be appropriate to hold a              to be a keynote speaker, great, but it has been                during the Celebration, I referred to him as          My Big Mistake?
      Celebration of Life.                                        my experience that the role of Toastmaster                     Jerry.  This was just enough of a barrior to          I did not trust my Toastmasters training. The night
         Do you remember the old comedy routine where             or Master of Ceremonies is a much more                         keep me upright and free of tears.                    before, I let my mom, who is not a Toastmaster,
      the soldiers are all lined up, and the commander            common opportunity.  Learn to:                                                                                       talk me out of trusting that training.
      asks for a volunteer to complete the dangerous              •  Introduce guests.                                        5.  Know your audience                                      Dad was not religious, and I repeated a “cringe

      mission?  In unison, everyone but the unsuspecting          •  Introduce speakers.                                         Dad was 87 when he died. His friends came             worthy” joke he used to tell about religion. The
      stooge steps back. Well, that was me—I was the one          •  Lead applause??? I learned this one the hard                from three groups                                     joke fell flat; I knew it instantly, and I couldn’t get
      left standing in front when everyone else stepped               way. We don’t clap at funerals.                             •  Firefighters (Dad was a Eugene, OR                it back. . . oh well. Be very careful when joking

      backwards. It fell to me to lead the Celebration.  I                                                                            Firefighter for 39 years. He retired as          about Religion and Politics.
      did it gladly.                                          3.  Be human                                                            a District Chief.) This was by far the              I’m very proud of the way it all came together,
         All I have to say is thank goodness for my               The audience wants to relate to you.  They                          largest and most important group to              and now the Celebration is history. If there’s ever
      Toastmasters training. I sat down to write a list           crave “human qualities.”  If you make a little                      consider.  I’ll call it the “Firefighter’s Ego,”   a doubt about the good a well-run Toastmasters
      of the Toastmaster skills I enlisted to make the            mistake, or you are nervous; the audience will                      and I knew it.  Let’s just say Firefighters      Club can provide, my last six months are great

      Celebration a success. In five minutes, I listed 27.        recognize you for being human and appreciate                        take their career very seriously and             examples. Last November I spoke in front of
      Here are five (plus one big fat mistake):                   you even more. Another part of being human                          consider it beyond reproach, so I only           dozens giving a best man’s toast to my kid brother,
                                                                  is to try and talk about your failures and flaws.                   spoke glowingly about their profession.          and then hosting my dad’s Celebration of Life in
      1.  Start with a chuckle                                    Nobody wants to hear about the day I saved                          I didn’t mention anything about labor            front of another 150 people.

         •  It’s hard to keep the mood light, and laughter        the world. Your audience will never think:                          negotiations, salacious scandals, or fires          Some happy occasions, some sad, but each
             helps.                                               “Yes!  That’s just like the day I saved the world.”                 that went wrong. Mostly, Firefighters want       opportunity to speak gave me a lifelong memory
         •  A chuckle builds rapport.  If I say something                                                                             to hear stories about firefighting, so I made    that I cherish.
             that I think is funny, and you laugh; we’ve      4.  Keep your emotions in check                                         sure to give them the microphone and let            Kelly Garriott originally joined Toastmasters in

             had a meeting of the minds.                          Frequently, Toastmasters give speeches                              ‘em tell their stories.  Smartest thing I did.   2015. He joined Wallmasters International in 2018.
         •  Most importantly, a chuckle lets everybody            that are “personal narrative” stories. It’s                     •  Shadow Hills Golf Club buddies                    He is a storyteller and an excellent evaluator. He has
             know I’m OK.  It puts the audience at ease.          not uncommon for someone to get a little                        •  Family plus really longtime friends who           served as Club Secretary several times.

       22     ONE COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                                  VOICES! | JULY 2022       23
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