Page 21 - july 2022
P. 21


 Employers Seek Soft Skills

 Eldred Brown, DTM, IPDD

 A few days ago, I read in an   speaker wants to continue making better

 article headlined “Oregon employers say job   speeches. This is all one big exercise in critical
 seekers lacking in soft skills.” (You can read   thinking.
 the article by clicking here.) Reading the   I also see in this evaluation process the
 article further, this statement struck me as   work of problem-solving. Every speech

 its most important: "Employers are generally   presents a “problem” to us—maybe it’s more
 happy with the level of education and the   positive to call it a challenge. Every speech
 basic skills that Oregon workers bring to the   presents to us the challenge to identify how
 table." the report says. "But they find workers   it can be improved and to develop a solution   leaders who can use their leadership skills to   promote it to job seekers—that’s how he drew

 lacking in specific occupational skills related   we think will make the speech better. That’s   great effect in the workplace.  me into Toastmasters.
 to their career fields, in advanced skills like   problem-solving.  Lastly, let’s look at teamwork. Toastmasters’   On the occasional Friday that Cleon
 critical thinking and problem-solving, and   What about leadership? After all,   leadership development is all about exercising   couldn’t lead the meeting, he had another
 soft skills like leadership and teamwork,   Toastmasters brands itself as the place “Where   leadership within a team. If you’re serving as   experienced Toastmaster, Rodger Cook, lead it.

 employers report.” Aren’t such skills as critical   Leaders Are Made.” Our educational program   a club officer, you are doing so as a member of   But Cleon’s Job Finder Support Group doesn’t
 thinking and problem-solving, leadership,   has been reworked recently to place more   your club’s executive team. If you’re an Area   have to be our only medium for marketing
 and teamwork benefits of participation in   emphasis on leadership skills development.   Director, you’re probably working with a team   Toastmasters to job seekers. Selling our young
 Toastmasters?  As the old Competent Leader manual realized   of two to five other Area Directors. If you’re   adults on how our education and training

 Let’s start with critical thinking. Dictionary.  quite well, every meeting role can be used as an   a Division Director, you’re leading that team   program can help them get established in
 com defines critical thinking as “the objective   opportunity to develop leadership skills. You   of Area Directors. The goal of Toastmasters   their careers is a good way. Sharing with our
 analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to   have the opportunity to grow as a leader by   leadership development is that you will build   more seasoned job seekers how Toastmasters
 form a judgment.” Is this not what we do in our   taking on formal leadership roles within your   and lead teams and, thereby, learn to work well   has helped our careers is another. My home

 speech evaluations? We analyze every speech.   club. If you’ve already served as a club officer,   as a member of a team.  club has even made a focus on job search and
 We evaluate the speech to form a judgment   you can cultivate more advanced leadership   Now, how can we market our program of   interview skills the theme of a couple of our
 of the speech’s strengths and opportunities   skills as an Area or Division Director, or even   skills development in critical thinking and   open houses. The possibilities are limitless,
 for improvement. We synthesize specific   a member of the Trio.   problem-solving, in leadership and teamwork,   so I encourage you to explore how you and

 recommendations for how the speech can be   Many join Toastmasters to overcome   to Oregon’s job seekers? Back in the pre-Covid   your clubs can market our ability to foster the
 improved and, with that, the speaker’s skills as   their fear of public speaking and become   days when Cleon Cox ran his weekly Job   growth of the soft skills that so many of our
 a speaker. We construct the most motivational   better communicators, but the strength of   Finders Support Group meetings, Cleon was   employers want in a job seeker.
 way to present our speech evaluation, so the   Toastmasters, I believe, is its ability to grow   never afraid to talk up Toastmasters and

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