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Tongues (a founding “mother” for these              to lead in a number of club-and District-level
         two clubs)                                          offices.
    NOTE: Throughout my Toastmasters “career,” I
have held each of the seven club officer positions multiple      One of the blessings, more priceless than gold,
times in multiple clubs.                                     has been the privilege of mentoring and helping
                                                             others in Toastmasters. Again, if Toastmasters
Awards                                                       had not offered this opportunity, I might have
    •	 Toastmaster of the Year, 2001                         shrunk from this task, blaming it on my shyness
    •	 Rookie of the Year, 2000                              and shirking the experience. Instead, I grew along
    •	 Best Division Governor, 2011                          with my mentees and am a better person for it.
    •	 Miscellaneous club awards for service
    •	 Won third place in the District Table                 Why would you encourage people to join
         Topics Contest in 2014
How has Toastmasters helped you in your                          I would encourage anyone who wants to

OTHER life (work,                                            communicate well and has any interest in
                                                             being a leader to join Toastmasters. Whether
                                                                                                       your goal is career
hobbies, etc.)                                                                                         related, becoming
    As I said earlier,                                                                                 an activist for some
                                                                                                       cause, or simply
Toastmasters got                                                                                       wishing to commu-
me through the                                                                                         nicate your views,
Masters of Public                                                                                      you will learn how
Administration                                                                                         to prepare speeches,
program and led                                                                                        how to speak “off the
me to receive an                                                                                       cuff,” learn how to
unexpected promo-                                                                                      perform the various
tion. As a matter of                                                                                   meeting roles at
fact, Toastmasters                                                                                     a Toastmasters
speaking skills helped me complete a Masters of              meeting, gaining “Emcee” skills as the
Library Science in 2013 at age 70. Other areas               Toastmaster of a meeting, mastering the art of
of Toastmaster benefits: the ability to strike up            impromptu speaking, or competing in semi-
conversations with strangers, which I could never            annual contests, not only in one’s club, but also
do before; delivering presentations as part of my            at progressive levels inside the District.
job, acing several job interviews; the confidence                In short, Toastmasters offers a plethora of
to pursue difficult subjects, such as Latin, Ancient         learning opportunities and personal growth.
Greek, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, statistics, piano               Members will experience personal growth,
and art lessons.                                             enhance skills as they experiment with speaking
                                                             and leading. These skills allow them to become
    Somehow those weekly Toastmasters meet-                  more self-confident, fulfilled people – all in a
ings always send me on my way back to a better               supportive and safe environment – with a group
day, instilled with something new and refreshing             that becomes a “family,” providing life-long
every time. Along my Toastmasters journey, I                 friendships.
found that I had leadership skills, something an
introverted person such as me would never have                                                                            29
considered, had I not been given the opportunity

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