Page 26 - 2016-10
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gets treated equal, and where everyone can find and work independently. I began dreaming
their own truth. Holding that true energy will about setting up my own training center for
inspire human kind. disadvantaged women so they could find a fair
way out of misery. I dreamed of saving children
We really need to find a balance right now. from forced marriage and slave labor. It is one
I feel we are very imbalanced which is why of the hardest feelings a human can face, being
humanity is suffering, the plants are suffering, the a slave to a factory owner or to a husband. I was
birds are suffering, and the climate is changing. It
is becoming a universal problem and we need to able to escape from that system but there are
become united in finding balance. I feel humans many more who didn’t.
are one of the most intelligent species, and if
we find true value in being a human, slowly I knew I had to help free them through
everything will come into balance. We all are support and education. So I did. At 16 years old,
connected and we all are one. I was working with six disadvantaged women.
One year later, I had my own store in central
You mentioned that you learned to be self Kathmandu called Local Women’s Handicrafts.
When I turned 18, my family started to arrange
sustaining when you left home. Please tell us my marriage. This time many friends and family
members supported my mission. I was able to
a little about how you survived and what you convince some of my family that my life had a
different purpose. With the help of my women,
learned when you moved to the city. friends and family, we were able to create a
I worked for almost one and half years in space just outside of Kathmandu where women
could come together and work in their own safe
a sweat shop. I still remember I had very tiny community. The house is called Local Women’s
room around 10x10. I worked in that space with Han dicrafts.
three other people, eating, living, sleeping, and
working. Sometimes I would sleep on pile of You’ve been a Toastmaster since May 2016.
T-shirts. Shirts we were exporting to a Western
rich country. I worked 12 to 18 hours a day and How has Toastmasters helped you to spread your
made less than $5 a day. I worked so hard for
one of the agents, and they didn’t pay me. They message?
owed me twenty thousand Rupees around ($200) Toastmasters has definitely helped me to get
and refused to pay. I had escaped one form of
slavery only to find another. That is when I felt over my nervousness. I gained confidence and
I needed an education. personal growth. Teresa Hovland, my mentor,
Almost by magic, I found a teacher who
offered to teach me for free. I started to study
26 Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016