Page 21 - 2016-10
P. 21
Judging and Fairness
by Shannon Milliman, ACB, CL
I observed an experience I believe is far too This being said, if you or
common with our contest speeches. The astute I judge, we commit to judging fair. Thus you
Toastmaster tirelessly prepares and strategically commit to weighting the columns as the numbers
does so using the official evaluation form Official infer even if it clashes with your personal pref-
Judges Guide and Ballot to develop their speech. erences, biases, hopes and dreams for what
Recall that the point weight favors in this order 1) Toastmasters can be.
Speech Development 2) Effectiveness 3) Speech
Value. You can find the entire rubric by clicking It is a conundrum I would like to advocate
here. This Toastmaster loves the program, change for. I challenge each of us in our practice
organization and process that they go through speeches to take more risks, to do things
to refine their speech. differently, to disregard the common feedback
for the sake of trying something new.
The positive Toastmaster takes it as a learning
experience and appreciates the comradery Our clubs are safe zones for us to try new
and fun on the journey. The speech contest things. When we try and are intentional with
occurs. Though our Toastmaster never sees the our choices we become better communicators
results in detail, the manner that and leaders. We can feel confident making a
the winners are placed in seems
surprising. message that is new, daring
and intelligent and we are
This speaker put focus
on development, structure, proud of our message.
organization, having a single Sharing a thoughtful,
message and re-occurring personal speech in a contest
line so it is presented in an that might be irregular has
easy to follow manner. A incredible personal value
competitor did not demonstrate this through the
speech (granted, this is subjective) but had the and even greater audience
third most weighty rubric-Speech Value dialed value. The routine pattern
in! Originality oozed. Creativity, unexpected of an expected speech has value but the value
surprises and fun flowed but structure was is greater when the message is presented with
lacking. This speaker was awarded a first place fire in the bosom and reinvention in the vision.
win. The rule following, rubric toting, evaluation I cheer when I hear a contest speech that does
stamped speaker achieved a 2nd place win. not fit the mold. You have to learn the rules to
break the rules but oh, the satisfaction when you
So, playing Toastmaster Goddess, my analysis do it right. A boring meeting, a boring speech
of this scenario is that judging appeared not fair has purpose--Toastmasters is teaching but what
but was better. From my completely subjective about after we have learned but yet we refuse to
perspective Speech Value has more value grow. We continue in comfortable patterns and
(repetition intentional!). Creativity and original comfortable feedback? Toastmasters asserts it is
thought are what make waves that change the a “world leader in communication and leadership
world. development.” That means you and I are world
leaders. Will we lead right? Next step, who’s with
Toastmasters exists to develop leaders and me for storming the Headquarters doors with
speakers foundationally. It is my desire to push our petition considering a change in the number
the borders of what Toastmasters promises. weighting for Speech Value?!
Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016 21