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Your Toastmasters Experience

 by Donna Stark, DTM—Program Quality Director

                                            I’ve heard a                                                   			
Toastmasters meeting referred to as the “hour                                                     To a s t m a s t e r s
of power.” That’s certainly true of my club. Even                                                 Leadership Institute
on the most hectic of days, I feel inspired and                                                   (TLI) – January
energized after my club meeting. I have fun! I                                                    28, 2017 Call for
don’t feel like I “spent” an hour—I invested an                                                   Presenters—Share
hour in myself and my fellow Toasties.                                                            your knowledge and
                                                                                                  help train our club
    A number of you have shared similar thoughts                                                  leaders. If you would
with me about your own club meetings. Our                                                         like to present at TLI,
clubs provide a safe and supportive atmosphere            send an email to with
in which to grow. If you would like to experience         information about your topic.
this energy on a larger scale, I encourage you to
attend activities outside your club. TLI, contests,           Be Extraordinary!
and conferences are a great opportunity to
expand your Toastmasters experience.                           Our first Be Extraordinary! pin recipients have
                                                          been announced. The following members have
    The Fall Conference is just around the corner.        gone above and beyond:
Here’s some of what you can expect:
                                                               Lynda Sloan, Flying Toasters is a powerhouse
    •	 Top-level presentations—Speakers from              when it comes to visiting clubs and training
inside and outside our district have included             officers.
experts in the fields of communication and
leadership, former International Speech contest                Jill Curran, Symantec for her longtime
competitors and champions, and International              commitment to the club
                                                               Dick Parsons, Wonderful Oregon Wordmasters
    •	 District level contests—Speakers who               (WOW) is going above and beyond the call of
advanced through the club, area, and division             duty as an Area Director.
contests will compete for the District 7 title. Will
your division take home the trophy?                            Anne Machalek, Siuslaw Tale Spinners served
                                                          as interim Area Director when the Area Director
    •	 Networking—There are a lot of fascinating          resigned.
Toastmasters in our district. Share stories, tips,
and best practices!                                            Congratulations to all of you for doing the
                                                          ordinary extraordinarily. To acknowledge a
    •	 Get energized—I’m always excited                   Toastmaster with a Be Extraordinary! pin, fill
and motivated to incorporate new ideas and                out the form.
techniques into my own presentations, and to
achieve new goals.

    •	 It’s FUN!
    Invest in your growth and development by
exploring Toastmasters activities outside of your
club. See you at the conference!

16 Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016
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